Scene 6

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Scene 6 - outdoor gym class soccer match during school

(Jamie Honda playing defense on the soccer field waiting for the ball to be kicked her way across from her is Jake also playing defense)

Jake - Jamie Honda stop spacing out when the ball comes you way you better not miss it.

(soccer ball is being dribbled and driven towards the Jamie Hondas goal she runs to intercept and misses. Jake runs across the field and intercepts the ball and kicks it back towards the opposing goal. After which he runs past the Jamie Honda grabs and kisses her on the mouth during the middle of the game on the field)

Jamie Honda - Jake no! (as the Jamie Honda pushes him away and runs off the field)

Teacher - (as Jamie Honda runs past) where are you going? (then as jake runs past the teacher) where are you going?

(Jamie Honda runs into the girls locker room upset but doesn't realize that Jake is running after her and into the locker room)

Jake - you know how I feel about you.

Jamie Honda - what are you doing?

Jake - you know how I feel about you. If i cant have you no one else can.

Jamie Honda - what are you talking about...I didn't even know you liked me until yesterday....why are you acting like we were dating or something?

jake - I am telling you now will be my girl I will not give up. You better break it off with Ren before he gets hurt.

Jamie Honda - I will not be your girlfriend and if you keep acting this way I will get the authorities involved.

jake - you don't want to do that or else. (grabbing the Jamie Honda and holding her against a wall)

Teacher -- (entering the girls locker room) Jake what are you doing in here...go to the principal office now! Jamie Honda are you okay

Jamie Honda - yes I am fine ... he is just being a jerk.

teacher - okay change back in to your school uniform everyone on their way back now.

Jamie Honda - okay thank you.

teacher - do you need me to get the principal involved?

Jamie Honda - no I don't think jake will doing anything crazy.

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