Scene 4- Roof Top Picnic

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Mykoto – Why do they want to have lunch up here? It is so windy you can barely eat without your hair blowing all over the place.

Jamie – don't worry about it he is bring Matt the senior with him.

Mykoto - Isn't he the guy that got drunk at the senior dance? What a loser

Jamie – I don't think it was that Matt...I think it was Matt the Junior student the one that lives near Lake street.

Mykoto – Oh I don't think I know this Matt then.

Jamie – well here they are.

Mykoto – (stunned as she watch Matt enters the rooftop)

Ren – Hi Jamie, sorry we are late. We had to wait for Matt to get his lunch from his girlfriend. You know how that goes.

Matt – Don't blame it on me man it was more like your fan club wouldn't let go.

Jamie – Oh there something that I should be concerned about?

Ren – not at all ...your my special girl no worries for you.

Jamie – Here is your lunch enjoy.

Ren – thanks babe...this is really sweet

Jamie – well don't get use to it school is almost out. Matt this is my friend Mykoto she is a freshman like me.

Matt – nice to meet you. Do you have any older brothers or sisters that I might know?

Mykoto – (blushing) no I am an only child.

Jamie – Ren what are your plans for summer break? I got a job at the bike shop cleaning the bikes that come in from the rentals.

Ren – Actually I wanted to talk to you about that I will be taking some college prep classes They run 10 – 4 pm so we will be able to hang out after that.

Jamie – Wow that is great...good for you. Do you know what you want to go to college for?

Ren – If I don't get picked up for soccer I will probably go to school for business and then work for my dad's bank as an executive or something.

Jamie – That 's great it seems you already have everything mapped out.

Ren – Yeah but I have an older brother so he will probably take over the business so my job will probably be to just assist him.

Jamie – Good thing I have a while because I don't know what I want to do. Oh by the way, I want to talk to you later more about my new part time job.

Mykoto – what! There should be no secrets we are all friends.

Jamie – Its not like that I just want to talk with Ren about it in private.

Matt – sounds like a secret to me...spill the beans.

Jamie – nah..nah,,, how about those Mets?

Ren – this is definitely a subject change...smooth Jamie.

Jamie – how about a better subject change why don't we all plan to go to the beach or to a water park together this summer?

Ren – that is a great idea. Let's plan for Saturday two weeks from now.

Jamie – Beach or water park?

Matt – I have to check with my girlfriend but I think I will be available. I love the water slides so I will say water park.

Jamie – How about you Mykoto will you come also?

Mykoto – Probably not I don't want to be a third wheel on your double date.

Jamie – you don't have to feel that way if you cannot find a guy why don't you bring another girl. This way you have someone to go trolling for guys with.

Mykoto – good idea I will check with some friends I will let you know.

Ren – (whispering to Jamie) what you have to tell me is it serious?

Jamie – No...I don't think so. Will you be available to walk me home after school?

Ren – I can't walk you today we have an away match at Oak Cliffs high school. Do you need me to assign one of my henchmen to guard you.

Janie – What you have henchmen? Are you some sort of mob boss?

Ren – I can be if I need to be.

Jamie – Oh...I guess I am scared of you...(laughing) I don't think a henchman is needed today. Jake and I made up so no need to worry anymore.

Ren – Oh really? Didn't I tell you to stay away from him...what are you doing talking to that guy?

(Ren starting to get flustered)

Jamie – it's not like that...our seats were moved today in class and I now sit next to him. The teacher got called to the main office today so we that is when we talked. I probably didn't tell you this already but Jake's family and my family are actually really close.

Ren – Really! Then why was he acting the way he was? (angry now)

Jamie – Ren lets talk about this later but get angry because you can trust me. We will talk about it tonight. Call me after you get home from your game.

Ren – I really don't like this but what choice do I have. Let's go Matt...Jamie we will talk later.

Mykoto – it seems you are in hot water...again this time with Ren.

Jamie – Yeah it does (I wonder if it is safe to tell him about this summer...oh man if he is hot about just a conversation what will happen when he discovers that we will be working together.)

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