Episode 3

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Scene 1 – 10 days before the end of the school term.  Right before summer break.

Jamie – Mom after school today I have to meet with the student council group to discuss what we are doing for the culmination ceremony.

Jamie's mom – Oh what are you doing during the ceremony?

Jamie – I have a speech to give as part of being a student ambassador.

Jamie's mom – What day is the ceremony I would like to be present for your speech.

Jamie – It will be next Friday. Most of the parents will be present so this should be fun. I am on my way to school.

Jamie's Mom – Is Ren walking you today?

Jamie – No I'm leaving early so I told him he doesn't have to. Anyway I will see you this afternoon.

(As Jamie exits the house and walks out the front yard s she he runs to make up for lost time to school. As she is running she notices that Jake is exiting his house.)

Jamie – I hope Jake doesn't become a problem today.

Jake- (spots Jamie but doesn't say or do anything) I wonder when Jamie and I stopped being friends. We were so close in elementary school and we got along okay earlier this year. I really do not know what happened. I guess I will have to work to get back to where we were.

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