Chapter 10 - Reality Sucks!

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It has already been a week since Stephen left. And all he does is text her a message reminding her if she has eaten already, to drive carefully and all the brotherly crap he knows. He never calls and it's downright frustrating!

Suddenly her phone rang and she almost jump for joy before reaching it into the back pocket of her jeans.

"Hello!" she pushed the answer button eagerly, not even bothering to see who it is.

"Hey Alex! Do you mind babysitting Jade tomorrow? We need to fly out to Claire's parents and you well know Jadey, she doesn't like planes." her brother's voice boomed on the other end.

"Oh, it's you..." her voice evident of lack of enthusiasm.

"Who do you expect little sister," Andrew obviously starting to annoy her.

"No one," she answered defensively.

"Are you expecting Stephen?" then laughter which is really irritating. "Wake up to reality my baby sister."

"I am not waiting for him to call! Is that crystal clear!"

"Yup clear enough to unclogged the dirt in my ears. No need to shout," and then more laughter. Alex gritted her teeth to control herself from shouting again to her very irritating brother. "Jeez! Take it easy. The man's a billionaire, of course he's busy." Andrew said a little serious this time.

"A billionaire? You're shitting me right now, aren't you?" she laughed at her brother's ridiculous joke.

"You mean you don't have any idea what Stephen does??? You're unbelievable!? Try watching the news Alex or read the newspapers."

"I do those stuffs! And for your information I'm busy that is why I have little time to check on other people's lives!" she defended herself.

This time it was Andrew's turn to laugh at her. "You are waiting for his call. At least I gave you a reason."

Reason??? That's not a reason! It's just a lame excuse.

"What time will I pick Jadey?" she said to change topic. She really miss Stephen but she doesn't want her bully brother to know that. What to expect, but she earned another laughter from the end. Obviously letting her know he knows she is changing the Stephen subject.

"Pick us all up at 8am, don't be late! We have to be at the airport before 9."

"What? So, now I'll be like your chauffeur slash babysitter???"

"Something like that, so, don't be late," he reminded her again. And just like that he hanged up on me again. She thought as she stared at her phone with an eyebrow raised. Then, a text message appeared on her screen.

The message she had been waiting the whole day. It was just a simple "hi" but she can't help herself from grinning like a school girl.

She replied a "Hi! How's your day?"

"Just finished a meeting with the board. And you?"

"Still the same routine at the hardware store. I'm done already with the Greisham's project."

"Good, you're done with that. Skipped lunch again?"

"Of course not. How can I even forget it???"

"Good!!! I don't want you to be skinny when I get back. I'll be heading to Australia later."

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