Chapter 3

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Wow! Still can't believe I'm doing this! Kindah excited and nervous though... Well, this is the third chapter and I hope you will like it :)

Thank you for reading and sorry if I'm taking long... :)

Chapter 3 -

Alex still didn't know what happened, how she closed the shop and how she walked from there to her house which is about five blocks. She even thought she saw her friend Ron called her when she passed by his car and she just waved.

When she got in her house, her huge St. Bernard dog, Bunny, which is by the way is still a puppy, jumped on her. She remembered giving him his food, prepared her dinner, she can't remember if she even chewed on her food or just swallowed it. If she chocked, she might woke up in her daze.

"What's happening to me? This ain't right!!!!" she told herself while in the shower. "Get a grip Alex. You shouldn't be affected by merely seeing him again after ten long years! He might even be married for crying out loud!" she scolded herself while brushing her teeth.

As she got to her bed, she saw twelve missed calls from Julie and she called her back once she settled herself to the bed. With just one ring, Julie answered

 "So, spill!!!" her friend excitedly told her.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping already? Brad will surely be mad at me if you're still on the phone, we've been talking for the whole day you know." she said her voice sounded beat as if she'd been lost to some game.

"Don't worry about Brad, he's still in his study. Finishing something with one of the company's newest project. And please stop changing the topic, we know you're good at that Alessandra Marie Cooper!" Julie told her.

"At this hour? You guys should be doing something already for our population." she tried once more.

"Alex!" Julie almost shouted at the other end of her line.

"Alright, alright..." she paused before continuing. "Stephen's back in town."

"How long?" Julie asked.

"I don't know how long. He says he has some stuffs to do and Mila's daughter's baptism this weekend." she answered.

"I see... and?" Julie asked more.

"That's all I know." she answered again.

"And?!" Julie can be really persuasive.

"I don't know! I don't even want to know! I don't even want to think about it because I don't want to be that Alex again!" she said helplessly. "Why does he have to come back? I'm already ok with my life."

"Did he recognized you immediately?" her friend still not quite finished with her thousand questions.

"Not exactly, he was staring at me like I've got something in my face then he said "fat Alex?" And I just said, in the flesh" more humiliation, she thought.

"You didn't even denied you know him???" her friend exclaimed.

"Um... no... is that stupid?" she groaned burying her face in her pillow.

"A little" Julie said laughing at the other end.

"Thanks for being honest Julie! And besides he still looks the same, he seems he didn't aged!" she said crossly.

"Ok, you got a point there. So what are your plans? Are the old feelings back or are they really gone?" the thousand questions are still not through.

"No feelings ok! I'm already well past behind that! I just don't like my past to be brought back again, just the humiliating ones. And my plan..." she told her friend, not sure if she's convincing Julie or herself. "I plan... or I wish that we'll never cross paths again."

"That's not a plan Alex. But I don't think ignoring him will help you. Why don't you just loosen up when it comes with him, you could still be friends you just said you've no feelings for him anymore. There's nothing to be afraid with the past. I should know that. We both did something in our past but we surpassed everything right? You did a huge change in yourself Alex, you became the school's president and the prom queen. And now you're a freaking great architect who signed major deals!" Julie lectured her.

"I guess you're right. There's nothing to worry about, he might even just stay here for a week. Yup Julie for once you are right." she agreed looking to her ceiling.

"I am always right!" her friend said laughing. "Oh, Brad is here. Go to sleep and we'll talk again. Think positive and just worry about your brother." with that parting words, they said their goodbyes and hang-up their phones.

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