Chapter 19 - Round 2: Million Dollar Baby

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"Hey there, million dollar baby,"Amanda said to Alex as soon as she sat down beside her.

She stared at Amanda like she has grown two horns, "I don't get it."

"Isn't that the title of a movie?" Nat asked and looked up from the menu she was reading.

Amanda gave her a wicked smile, before turning back to the others who were telling the waiter their orders.

"So, how's your hand?" Amanda asked when the waiter was gone, all attention were now focused on them.

"Yeah Alex, what happened to your hand?" Julie asked, concern written all over her face.

"I, ah, I...," she stammered, giving Stephen a quick glance. He was sitting casually on his chair, not looking at her. "I honestly don't know," she finally answered.

"Do you want to know?" Amanda asked again.

"Maybe later," she tried to smile to the others, and turned to glare at Amanda. "Hey, Julie and Brad's are expecting."

"I already know that, when we were in your hotel room the other day," Amanda told her, smiling so sweetly at her, which made Alex's heart beat much faster.

"Oh," was all she could have managed, sounding deflated.

"A futile attempt Alex," she said while sipping on her wine the waiter had poured on her glass. "But I'm sure our friends, like you, are really, really curious to know what happened last night."

"No, not really. I don't think they're interested about it," she tried again, giving her her most furious look.

"Looks like the double-trouble A's has striked again," Brad commented with a smirk. Everybody laughed, except for Stephen who gave a meek smile.

Uh-oh! How to shut Amanda up??? she thought.

"No, this time Alex singlehandedly did everything," Amanda told them.

"Now I'm really curious. Spill it out Amanda," Natalie interjected. Alex glared at her, but Nat just shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, me and Alex went out last night..." Amanda started.

"It was just because of the bet!" she butted in.

"You still did that!?" Julie gave them both an accusing look.

"It was her idea!" both her and Amanda said at the same time, pointing to each other.

"I don't know what to do with you two," Julie said exasperatedly.

"This usually happens Stephen, when they get together," Lucas addressed Stephen, leaning towards him for emphasis. "Specially when they are complete."

"I might get used to it," Stephen replied with a nod.

"That's the spirit," Brad interjected, patting Stephen's shoulder.

"Anyways," Amanda started again.

Alex turned to glare at her. "Let's talk about this later, privately," she hissed.

"Blame the tequila but drunk Alex was dancing on the pole, and there was this guy who kept following her," Amanda continued, the words rapidly coming out of her mouth, making sure no one could interrupt her.

"What?!" Alex exclaimed, even she was surprised. She remembered dancing, but the rest was a blur. Four pairs of eyes were staring at her, two have their mouths agape wide open. While Stephen was staring at his wineglass, gripping it with his hand.

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