Chapter 15 - Number 42?

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Ken was right, Alex thought as they all walked towards the restaurant. Absolutely right, the look Stephen gave her was intense. She mused about it, then thought about the articles she read about him. The women were all claiming that they had an affair with him, some even said it was a relationship they had assumed will end up in marriage. Even Monica was interviewed, it seems they had gotten back together even after they broke up when they were in high school. She said that they rekindled their relationship when they met again at Aspen, Colorado. As she think more about it, imagine that the article said thirty women, while Phoebe told her she had sent gifts to forty women, while she, Alessandra Marie Cooper never even had one relationship or even just a one night stand in her whole life. The world is so unfair! Life is so unfair!

"Meep, meep! Meep, meep!" Ken poked his face in front of her,  startling her.

"Earth on Alex! Earth on Alex!" Janice called her attention and that is when she noticed Liam giving her the menu, as they were already seated inside the resto. She is in between Ken and Stan, while Janice, Hannah, and Michelle are in front of them, the remaining two men at the both ends of the table.

"You totally zoned out on us girl!" Ken said with laughter in his voice.

"Sorry," she sheepishly apologized, turning to look at the menu she is now holding.

"Maybe 'The Look' has gotten into her," Janice observed.

"What look?" she asked, peeking from the menu.

"She's pertaining to the 'look', the 'look' that the boss gave you," Liam, the serious one in the group informed her.

"Ohhh!" she just nodded, finally understanding 'the look'. "What about it? Your boss was looking at all of us, there's nothing about the 'look'"

"I think you caught his attention," Hannah, the shy one in the group told her and that comment made Stan frown.

"Pft! There is nothing, no meaning of anything about 'the look', whatever 'look' you may be pertaining to," she explained, her hands flying in every direction with the menu. "Anyways," she added as she composed herself. "I'll just have a sandwich and a salad."

"Seriously?" Ken asked with a surprised look on his handsome face.

"Yup," she handed the menu to Stan and he told the waitress his and her orders, seems that almost everybody already gave theirs while she zoned out.

"With that," he started looking at her up and down. "I won't be afraid to stuff it with carbs."

"You haven't seen me on my teenage years, I was a freaking whale! You can ask Stan." she turned to look at Stan, who was staring at her.

"Alex, you were not a whale back then," he said leaning towards her.

"An elephant then," a grin starting to spread on her face. Stanley will always be Stanley, the one who always defended her when Stephen's ex-girlfriends made fun of her when he was not around.

"If there's one thing you are Alex. You were perfect back then, until now." He said seriously looking at her in the eyes.

She was surprised and just can't take her eyes off him. Then, everybody made a loud "Ooohhh, cheesy!", breaking their eye contact.

She turned to look at everyone as she felt her face heating up as they began to tease her again. Maybe that seldom happens when you are the new one in a group, the center of the topic, but she didn't mind.

She was just startled with Stan's statement, is he trying to hint something or just messing with her.

Once their lunch arrived, they only have thirty minutes to spare. But the conversation was endless, she really like this group and enjoyed their company. As they finished their lunch and was walking back to the office, Stan made sure that he and Alex will be the last in their entourage.

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