Chapter 18 - "The Million Dollar Baby"

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The constant buzzing beside her ear, woke Alex up. But she can't barely open her eyes or even move her head a little to avoid the noise. Her whole body felt so heavy. She tried to reach for the thing that's disturbing her sleep. And it turns out to be her phone. With her eyes still closed, she answered it.

"Mom, five more minutes," she mumbled covering her head with a pillow.

"In your dreams," Amanda said on the other line. "Get your ass off that bed Alex! You'll be late at the office!"

It took her a full minute to decipher who was talking and another minute for her brain to absorb what was said. And when reality finally hit her, she tried to sit up but can only managed to turn and lay down straight on the bed.

"Ouch that hurts!" she cried out loud. With her other free hand, she raised it to her head. "Oh my god!!!" she exclaimed when she saw her right hand wrapped in a bandage.

"Now, now, Alex, don't panic," Amanda tried to soothe her.

"Don't panic? Don't panic!" she really is in a panic now. "My head feels like it's going to explode any minute, and my hand... my hand, it, it's wrapped in a bandage and it hurts like hell!"

"It's just a little bruised," Amanda said calmly. "And for your headache, there are two aspirins on your bedside table. Take it now, it's just hangover."

"My god! What happened last night?" she asked as she tried to sit down and reach for the pills.

"I'll tell it all to you later at dinner tonight, okay? You have forty-five more minutes to get ready or you will be late. Uncle Jack will be waiting for you at the lobby." Amanda instructed her.

"Can I just go back to sleep?" she mumbled as she took the pills and gulped down the entire contents of the glass.

"Get your ass moving Alex! Or Stephen will be pissed," Amanda reminded her.

"Maybe we could reschedule it," she tried once more.

"He will think you're unprofessional, do you want that?" Amanda asked.

"No," she answered as she stared again at her bandaged hand.

"Then put yourself together and hit the shower! Remember Alex, all you have to do is to sign those papers."


Ten minutes before nine in the morning, she was sitting already in front of Stephen's desk. Phoebe told her that her boss is still on a meeting since 7 a.m. and will be with her as soon as the meeting is over.

"While waiting, you can read and go through your contract," Phoebe told her and handed her a bunch of papers.

"Umm... okay," she willed herself not to nod, even though her headache already subsided a little. She still feels there's a cobweb in her brain and making her light headed, like she's floating in the air.

"Would you like some coffee?" Phoebe asked her.

"No, but a glass of water with ice will be great," she answered, wincing a little when a ray of light hit her eyes.

"Okay," Phoebe said and gently closed the door.

Once she was alone, she stared at the papers she was holding. Honestly, she tried, really, really tried to read the contract. But she can only read the words, but her brain was unable to actually give her the meaning of what she was reading. Okay, she admits it, she's having a brain malfunction.

"All you have to do is to sign the papers."

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