Chapter 8: The Rebirth at Forever Fall

Start from the beginning

Me: "Remember what I said at the beginning of our practice match. In a real fight, there is no fairness. So remember to learn and adapt to the situation to win. Watch your opponent, see how they'll fight and what they'll react to, and if you see any signs of weakness, then strike." I said to her, while looking down at her.

Pyrrha: "I-I we're finish now (Y/n), could you let me go now? Or at least loosen your wires at least? It's kinda tight." she asked me, never looking me in the eye.

I was about to remove my wire until I stopped when the sound of footsteps approaching us. We both looked over to see Jaune walking across the courtyard with a bunch of paper and books.

Jaune: "Oh man...How did I get myself into these mess?...Wait did the courtyard always have this many holes on the ground?" he asked to himself as he looked around the destroyed courtyard.

He continued to walk down the path until he was in view of us, thankfully he was only able to see our heads. He smiled for a brief moment before frowning for some reason.

Jaune: "Hey guys...listen, I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just in a bad mood, but I'm better no-" he tried telling us, but stopped taking when he fully saw us.

All of us looked at each other in a awkward silence, never saying a word. He looked at me, then down to Pyrrha, and back to me.

Jaune: "...I didn't know you two were in this kind of relationship and were into that kind of...thing. I guess bondage is popular and (Y/n) does has the wires for it." he told us.

Pyrrha: "H-H-Hello Jaune! This is just a...l-little misunderstanding isn't that right (Y/n)?" she asked me.

I looked at Jaune seriously for a moment.

Me: "Jaune?" I asked him

Jaune: "Y-Yes?" he asked me nervously for some reason.

Me: "What's bondage?" I asked him curiously.

I heard that word several times when I was doing "research" and some people asked me if I was into that when I was in the criminal underworld, but I never know what it meant, so I just told them that I was indifferent to it. Even Neo and Roman asked me, should I know what it is and like it?

For some reason Pyrrha and Jaune were looking at me with amazement and surprise. I was so confused.

Blake P.O.V

(Small timeskip brought to you by Pyrrha and Jaune making (Y/n) sit down on his knees, so they could explain bondage him)

I decided to go for a early morning walk since I woke up early because of Yang loud snoring, my ears couldn't take it much longer. I was walking near the courtyard when I heard a loud cry of someone saying no. I was a little curious to who was making so much noise so early in the morning, I, however was a bit surprised to see Pyrrha, Jaune, and (Y/n) in what used to be our courtyard. (Y/n) seemed mortified for some reason as he screamed out loud as he headbutted a nearby tree several times. Pyrrha and Jaune were trying their best to calm him down, but he kept banging his head to the point where leaves started falling down. This drew my curiosity and I decided to walk over to them. Pyrrha was to the first to notice me.

Pyrrha: "H-Hello Blake! Wonderful morning is it not?" she asked me nervously.

Me: "...Um Pyrrha? Would you mind explaining why (Y/n) is headbuttung the tree?" I asked her, while pointing at (Y/n).

Jaune: "O-Oh you know! It's (Y/n) we're talking about, he's weird like that! It must be some sorta exercise he knows r-right Pyrrha?" he asked Pyrrha nervously.

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