Chapter 15: Nothing is what it seems.

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"I wanna hold your hand, and go to the other side of the earth. Wanna put an end to this winter.

How much do I have to long for you; like snow piles up on the ground, until the spring days come? Friend."


"We have got to get out of here!" You yelled as the room continued to shake. The ceiling above cracked and began to break apart, sending large chucks of plaster down onto the floor. You scramble up to your feet again, ignoring the awful pain in your leg.

"Where will we go?" Namjoon called out, finding his balance again as the floor was solid once more.
"Where else? Out of the damn door and back into our cars!" You quickly went to Jimin and Jungkook, helping them back to their feet. Despite your hurt leg, you were strong enough to encourage everyone to stay on their guards.

"H-how are we going to escape this? We need a plan!" Yoongi yelled after, dodging a big piece of the ceiling. The debris crashed onto the spot where he was and shattered into dust. The walls vibrated profusely.

"Either we kick it into high gear and get the fuck out of this place, or this demon house will swallow us whole and eat us for good!" You grab Taehyung and urge him to his feet, despite the rough terrain.

"C'mon, guys! Get your heads out of your asses and run to the door!" You were now commanding them, heading over to the double doors. When you started running, the room screeched in horrifying volumes. It was too much for a lot of your friends to handle.
Namjoon nodded while looking at everyone.
"Y/N'S right, guys. We have to do something. Sitting around doing nothing isn't going to solve things."
Jimin stood up, fighting back against the wobbling floor.
"I second that. Let's go, Taehyung-ah. Kookie!" He grabbed both of the other members hands who were younger than him and ran after Y/N.
"Ack!" Taehyung yelped out.
"No pulling!" Jungkook grumbled in protest.

Soon the others exited the medical supply room and dashed down the hallway. Everyone ran with their ears covered, avoiding the high pitched tunes that threatened to pick at their brains. It made them vulnerable in order to be easily attacked.

The mansion itself, however, did everything in its power to keep the unfortunate souls trapped here.
Black voids appeared where they least expected it, glitched out versions of themselves popped up into view to deter some of the weaker links.
It was a battlefield.
Hands shot up from the cracks in the floor to grab the legs and ankles from any helpless straggler.
Namjoon and Yoongi kicked at the hands, jumping over them successfully.
Jimin was caught by one and tripped, falling on his face. That was his first and last mistake. Because he was then overwhelmed by a slew of long, gangly, black arms. His sprained ankle could be the death of him.

He screamed out, violently writhing against the hold of the arms.

You were a bit of a slow runner, and as you were about to subconsciously pass him, you heard his cry for help so you froze dead in your tracks, backed up and went to his aid.
"FUCK! Jimin! Are you okay? H-hold on!" You claw at the arms, managing to pull some away as you were fighting against time to free one of your best friends.
But more popped up into its place. They wouldn't cease. You started crying, afraid that you will lose him and never see him again.
Jungkook came to help by kicking at the strange demon-like limbs, stomping on them, and pushing them out of the way.
But it had its hold on Jimin.
There was no saving him, and he knew it.
Jimin weakly smiled as he was helplessly pinned to the floor. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok already got away. You and the youngest stayed behind with Jimin.

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