Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

An ambulance was on the scene and immediately took Josh to the hospital.

Rick ran to the car. He saw Kate lying in the back seat unconscious and naked. He wrapped her in his jacket and lifted her out carefully and motioned for EMTs to come over. In the ambulance Kate awoke. They held each other so tight not wanting to let go or loose each other again.

"I didn't think I was going to see you again" Kate sobbed.

"You will never get rid of me." Rick said.

They broke apart slightly enough for them to kiss each other.

Their lips locked. The spark between them was like a firework. They both longed for that kiss, that touch, that taste.

"I love you so much and I'm never letting you go again." Rick said.

"I love you too. I missed you so much." Kate said.

~At the Hospital~

Josh was rushed into the ER for surgery. He was loosing a lot of blood. His pulse was slowly fading as they ran him into surgery.

Kate was taken to the third floor. She was examined and had a rape kit done. Rick was by Kate's side the entire time.

"Detective Beckett? I'm detective Olivia Benson SVU. Is it true your ex-boyfriend kidnapped and raped you?" asked the detective.

"Please, call me Kate. His name is Josh Davidson. We broke up about a year ago but he didn't take it very well. He took me a month ago in my own apartment." Kate stated.

"Ok Kate, well can you tell me what happened to you?" asked Olivia.

Kate began to go over her ordeal but it was too much for Rick. He left the room storming out meeting Ryan and Esposito at the door.

"Hey bro, you alright?" asked Espo.

"Where is Josh?" Rick demanded.

"He was taken into surgery an hour ago. Doctor said he should be okay." Ryan said.

Rick stormed off. He walked up to the vending machine and put a dollar in. He clicked the keys in for a kitkat bar. It got stuck between the glass. Rick was frustrated enough, he did not need anymore of this. He clenched his fist and punched the machine, cracking the glass.

Ryan ran over to restrain Rick from punching the machine again. "Castle! Castle stop!" Ryan screamed.

Rick pulled back and walked over to one of the waiting rooms. Ryan followed and sat down next to him.

"Rick I know this isn't easy for you but you have to be strong for Kate. She's been through so much. The last thing she needs to see is you break down. You're her rock. You gotta be there for her." Ryan said.

"You're right. I have to be there for her. I'm being so selfish." Rick said as he stood up to walk back to Kate's examination room.

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