Eve, The Apple of their Eyes

Start from the beginning

Destiny's POV:

I went home that day, still crying Brian had driven me home, once I entered our House. I talked to Mom and Dad about transferring schools. It's a good thing the Psychology College Dean is Dad's best friend, he made a way for me to be accepted the soonest possible time. They asked me about what happened. I told them. They both hugged me. Trying to ease the pain that's inside my chest.

I got a shorter boy's cut and glasses because I needed it, by that time my braces were removed. I was a whole new Destiny Valerio that carried so much love for Eve Jimenez. The sole friend I made was Kate Howell. In a few weeks time, I started to opened up to her about Eve.

"D, I'm sorry you had to relieve it again." She said as I finished telling her of the last memory I had of Eve.

I only smiled at her before drinking from the bottle of beer.

Days and weeks passed, as Kate and I spent the rest of our last semester together in school, she confessed that she was beginning to feel something for me. I smiled and offered her friendship. Not until I was in first year of my doctoral did we become fuck buddies.

By my sixth year in med school, I went home to mom and dad one weekend, telling them about the feelings I am beginning to have for Kate. I promised them to bring her over someday, once I am ready.

*****End of Flashback*****

Eve's POV:

"But why were you not ready then?" I asked Destiny.

"I was not sure of How I would feel if ever I came face to face with you again. If the feelings are still the same after all this time. The first day I saw you outside the asylum, you didn't recognize me, even after telling you my name, I thought there was something wrong with you." She smiled weakly at me.

"So, I invited you for dinner, I buckled you in, in the hopes that you would remember me. After all, that was one of the things I did for you back then."

"Yeah, I started to remember you, I was just not sure if it was indeed you, you wore your hair differently now and you have glasses now." I beamed at her

She smiled at me

"What about you? How did we get here?" she asked me. For a moment, I was not sure how to answer her. I have had bad decisions, I never regret them. I had my own reasons.


Eve's POV:

After I pushed Destiny against the lockers, my friends and I walked away. I pretended to be all right. After school, I decided to talk to her, but her phone was off.

The following day, I tried to drop by her house, but after her parents told me she moved out, I never tried to contact her. But not a day, did I stop thinking of her and the thing that I did. Shane and I attended a party, she saw her boyfriend kissed someone else. After that Shane was never the same person again.

A few weeks more, I came home from school one time to find out my Dad had already left us for another woman. Since then, I vowed not to fall in love with men.

*****End of Flashback*****

Eve's POV:

"Eve, I have something to ask you. I hope you won't take it against me if I did."

I smiled at her and nodded as a sign of my approval.

"Remember that guy we met at the chinese restaurant?" she asked me

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