Val blushed red and got tongue tied for a moment not knowing the right words to say. No one really said anything like that to her before "I love you too"

"Valentine, you mean a lot to me. This song emphasizes just how I feel about you. I can't stop getting drunk on the thought of you and you're the best drug I ever had. I'm just glad you came back. I don't know what I would be like right now if you didn't"

Val's heart ached at the thought of how much she hurt him. She couldn't imagine the pain she caused by just being dead for an hour. She didn't even want to think of the pain if she was dead for even more than an hour. She would hurt him a lot. She thought she shouldn't have been so stupid and been more careful. At least he wouldn't have to go through that suffering.

Val's face suddenly turned serious and he immediately noticed it. The music had stopped so they also stopped dancing and Val was first to slump on the ground looking dejected. He was confused. She was fine earlier. They sat side by side looking down at the city. He held her close having an arm around her shoulder. She rested her head on his shoulder.

He turned to her and asked "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry" she said with her face grave.

"What? Why?" He asked slightly worried by the way she was acting.

She wouldn't answer him. She wouldn't face him. She was too trapped in her own thoughts.



"Valentine" he said a bit more sternly.

She uncomfortably shuffled and looked at her fingers nervously playing with them.

Tequila sighed. He cupped her face gently in his hands. Her eyes were still cast down.

"Valentine, look at me"

Slowly but surely and with much hesitance, her sky blue eyes that eerily seemed to glow in the moonlight, met his.

"What were you saying sorry for?"

The words finally came. "I put you through all that pain. I was only gone for an hour but I don't even want to imagine the hurt I gave you. It shouldn't have been like that. I didn't want to put you through any of that. And to think I almost considered not coming back. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I didn't want to hurt you"

Tequila engulfed her in a hug and pulled her close resulting to her sitting in his lap slightly side ways. His embrace was warm and gentle. "Valentine, enough of that bullsh*t. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. You're back now and that's all that matters. Just be careful next time. Promise me that"

"I promise" she said with her head nuzzled against his neck.

Still holding her close with arms around her waist, he rested his forehead on hers. "Do you really mean it?"

"Yes" she whispered out. Their faces were so close and it would only take one small movement for them to kiss as their lips were brushing against each other.

"Prove it"

With no hesitation, her lips met his. They closed their eyes in bliss. She shifted and trapped him between her legs and his back rested on a tree that was conveniently there.  He wrapped his arms around her waist. She pushed him further into the tree now wrapping  her legs around his waist increasing their intimacy and running her hands through his hair tugging on the roots.

They kissed roughly and passionately with their bodies heating up on fire. It was all like a haze and they couldn't think straight. Their heartbeats soared thumping hard out of their chest, completely mind blown. He flipped their position with him on top. He slid his hands sneakily under her shirt feeling the soft skin of her stomach and tracing her V-line up and down. A pleasured sound escaped Valentine. He was so much for her too take.

Mr. Bad Boy and Miss Cordially Posh (Kingsman 2 Agent Tequila)Where stories live. Discover now