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"Their story checked out"

"I opened our doomsday scenario locker and that umbrella was in it. Kingsman. It's got our logo on it"

The woman said tossing the umbrella to the man. He took a glance at it and gave them a sheepish smile. The woman gave them towels to dry off the liquor that was spilled on them.

"I'm so sorry" she sincerely apologized.

She then stood and gave the man a look.

"My apologies then boys" he paused and glanced at Val "And girl. I hope there ain't any hard feelings here I was just doing my job"

Eggsy was about to open his mouth to say what Val reckoned to be quite the comeback so she stopped him being understanding to the man in front of them.

To Val, she was just doing his job and sticking to it no matter what it takes. She was being undertsanding rather than quick to temper because that was just her nature and she reckoned she might've done a bit worse to him, had he trespassed into Kingsman and caused a rip on one of her favorite cloths thinking it was an entrance.

She wasn't one for conflict and would like to prevent one as much as possible besides she couldn't wait to see her Dad in the other room. A fight will only delay that.

Before Eggsy could say his comeback, Val stopped him by smiling sweetly and said "It's quite alright. I understand"

The man gave her a queer look. "How can you be fine about this? I could've shot your old man"

"Well you didn't and you lowered the gun when you found out he was my father did you not?"

He gave her an unreadable look before he shrugged and said

"Guess I did. Welcome to Statesman. Independent intelligence agency. Just like ya'll I reckon. Only our founders went into the booze buisness thank the sweet Lord above" he added in

a dramatic way that Val let out a small chuckle. A chuckle that gained the man's attention. She smiled sweetly at him as she always does with everyone.

"Anyway this is Ginger Ale. She's our strategy execuitve" he motioned to the woman with the short hair.

She smiled and nodded her head cordially. "Hello"

"Im Agent Tequila"

"Finally a name" Val thought. Adressing him as the man, cowboy, or Mr. Bad Boy was getting quite tiring.

"I'm Hart. Valentine Hart better known as Val or Guinevere. This is Eggsy Unwin and Merlin. Now that we are properly acquainted I think this is the part where you could please untie us?"


He cut them loose from their bonds and the Kingsman immediately stood up giving their two new acquaintances cordial nods.

"Thank you" she said.

Val dusted off her now damp skirt and walked as fast as she could to the room next to them to see her father with Eggsy and Merlin following her pursuit.

Val opened the door with the widest smile she had plastered on her face.



She and Eggsy said simulatenously. They went to engulf him in a hug when Harry jerked back shoving them off. Val's smile was replaced with a hurt and confused face.

"Harry" Merlin said offering a hand to shake.

Harry shook his hand and said "How do you do? We've met before?"

Mr. Bad Boy and Miss Cordially Posh (Kingsman 2 Agent Tequila)Where stories live. Discover now