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She stood outside the newly built Kingsman shop patiently waiting for him...

They hadn't seen each other in a few weeks as everything was just so busy and hectic in their schedules with having to rebuild Kingsman and all that. Val, Eggsy, and her Dad had to get back to London first for all these transactions. Tequila reassured her he would come to London and catch up as soon as he can. They haven't seen each other in a few weeks but to them it felt like decades. They missed each other so badly and Skype or calling and texting each other every minuet just wasn't enough.

Val was so excited to see him again she hardly slept last night. Her eyes lit up once she saw the familiar Kingsman cab stop in front of her. Lo and behold there was her boyfriend. She almost didn't recognize him for the outfit he was wearing was completely different. He was wearing a suit and tie with Oxfords and was carrying along with him a Kingsman umbrella.

Val smirked. He wasn't getting out of this one alive. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Well, well. Mr. Bad Boy has gone posh? Never thought I'd hear of it" she teased.

Tequila rolled his eyes at her. "Yeah whatever Ms. Cordially Posh"

She gave a small giggle. "I'm kidding. It's just different seeing you in a suit"

He raised an eyebrow "Good different or bad different"

She hummed pretending to give it a thought. "Good different. I missed you babe"

"Missed you too sweetheart" he said before giving her a sweet kiss she has waited for ages. They enjoyed the kiss as long as they liked not caring who was watching. They let the whole world know they were together and that no one was going to tear them apart without their consent.

They were gradually starting to make out in public again despite the scolding glares mothers were giving them while covering their children's eyes when Eggsy pulled them apart and broke their kiss standing between them.

"Alright you love birds break it up already. If you actually want to make out fitting room two is always available" he said.

Tequila rolled his eyes. "Nice to see you too Eggsy" he said as Val laughed for Eggsy yet again cracked another inside joke about fitting room two in correlation to the joke her father made last year about it.

"Now come on you two. Lots of things to discuss" Eggsy said leading them into the shop.

That was the start of another adventure. Another story. It never ends. A cycle of life made up from opposites coming together. Everything in life came in opposite pairs. Death and life. Love and hate. War and peace. Creation and destruction. Beginning and the end. Man and woman. Good girl and bad boy.

It's like Isaac Newton's first law. He thought it was only going to be related to physics, but no. It also applied in everyday life.

"For every action, there is an equal yet opposite reaction"

So as cliché as it would sound, opposites attract.

Mr. Bad Boy and Miss Cordially Posh (Kingsman 2 Agent Tequila)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant