Don't Wanna Cry ; Kageyama X Reader

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"S-sit with us tomorrow too?" Kageyama quietly asks, his aura showing obvious nervousness.

"...of course, Kageyama-san." You smile, before continuing your walk back to your desk.

"..are you ok Kageyama-kun? Your head looks like it's going to burst."


*4 months later*

"Kageyama-san, can I talk to you real quick?" You rush out, catching Kageyama's attention before he joins the others for lunch.

"Outside?" You continue.

Kageyama nods, before following your lead.

"Oh no, what if she decides I'm not good enough for her? What if she's tired of having to deal with me? Does she hate me? she going to abandon our relationship like everyone else does?" Kageyama thinks rapidly, before being cut off as he runs into your now still form.

"Eh? Are you alright Kageyama-san? You look quite pale." You sigh, examining Kageyama's face.

"... and now you're flushed. Are you sick?"

"N-no. I'm ok. What is it that you need, (L/N)-san?"

"First, how many times do I have to tell you to call me (F/N), second, I have something really important to say..." You trail off, your confidence deteriorating with every word you speak.

"What is it?"

"Ok so, god this is so nerve racking how do people do this. Right, Kageyama-san, I like you. I like you a fucking lot. And I know this is extremely sudden, and you probably don't feel the same way, which I completely understand. But please listen to me for two minutes. I never knew that I would be the person to fall so easily in love, especially in high school. But when I first bumped into you, I just felt something. I know, cheesy right? But it's completely true. And the way you invited me to come have lunch with you for the first time. You were so nervous. And so was I. I've never had someone voluntarily invite me to join them for something. And what you did, it made me feel really special and like somebody actually cared for me. You were the one person who actually made an effort to make a good connection with me. As you and I started getting close, quite quickly might I add, I fell in deep. I fell in love with the way your blue eyes would wonder everywhere but mine when we'd speak. I fell in love with the way you would immediately become red in the face when Hinata-san would tease you. I fell in love with the way you put forth great effort towards the things you're passionate and grateful for, and how even though you try your absolute hardest for everything you have, you're afraid of losing it all. I fell in love with the way you put on a tough facade, even though you are truly terrified that the people you've become so close to, will leave you in the snap of a finger, like everyone else did. But Kageyama. Kageyama I would never leave you. Don't think I don't see the look in your eyes that says you honestly believe that I would leave our friendship behind. No. Kageyama you know I would never do that. Why? Because I love you with all my being. Even if.. even if you don't return my feelings." You slow into a whisper, lowering your head.

A few moments of grueling silence flow, before small droplets of water fall and smack against the concrete ground.

Are those... tears?

You slowly look up.

Fat droplets of salty water drop from Kageyama's slightly red rimmed eyes, before rolling down his pale cheeks and dripping off of his chin.

Kageyama's eyes hold a sorrowful and relieved emotion, as he continues to let out the tears of pain from within him.


"Thank you."


"Thank you for returning my feelings."

"Kageyama, why're you crying?" You ask worriedly, not even thinking about the fact that Kageyama feels the same way as you.

You carefully place your shaky hands atop of Kageyama's icy wet cheeks in a calming matter.

"Nobody's ever expressed their care for me. I've gone my entire life alone. With no parents to love me. With no friends to care about me. With no lover to put in a commitment. Every birthday I had, I would stand around and let the teasing and unwanted attention bite after me. I would spend my elementary and middle school graduations completed abandoned in the corner, while everyone would converse with their friends and eat cake. I would watch as people would give me disgusted and terrified looks, before tossing me aside like raw meat. I was completely alone, with nobody there for me. Until you came. And I was scared. No, terrified, that the one person who I truly put all my emotions in, would toss me away like the piece of shit I am. And-and I don't want to cry anymore." Kageyama chokes out, before letting out the most heart wrenching sob.

You simply shake your head, refusing to let your own tears fall. You quickly wrap your arms around Kageyama's neck, before Kageyama slowly slides his arms around your waist and pulls you so tightly against his shaking body.

You squeeze your arms around Kageyama tighter, before lifting your face from Kageyama's neck, only to spot the team gathered nearby with looks of shock and regret.

You glance at them quickly, before closing your eyes and pulling away from Kageyama.

You place your hands back on his cheeks, while Kageyama's arms remain around your waist.

Your thumbs gently wipe Kageyama's under eyes, in attempt to rid the small clear drops holding years of affliction, before you give each under eye a soft kiss.

"I won't ever let you feel alone again. I'll always be by your side, Tobio."

Haikyuu X Reader ; One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang