(y/n) POV

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I looked out over Gotham. The moon was out, illuminating the city. I was out on my nightly patrol, something I took up after I left the Team. Mom was hesitant to let me go at first, but I convinced her I was going to be alright. She agreed but that doesn't mean that she doesn't worry for me. Every morning, when she sees me, she asks about patrol and if I was hurt. I was never really badly hurt, which was good. She would have freaked if I came home seriously hurt. Sometimes Dick joins me on patrol, but he splits his time between Gotham and Blüdhaven, where he lives.

Seems quiet, I thought with a frown. Darn. I was hoping for a little-

My train of thought was cut off when I heard sirens going off. I smirked and took off in that direction. The sirens were coming from the city bank. I sprinted across the rooves, quickly making my way to the bank.

I arrived in less than three minutes. I quickly scanned the situation from outside. There were plants shooting up from the ground near the doors and the doors had been busted open. I jumped off the roof and entered the bank. My eyes immediately landed on the robbers.

Poison Ivy and Bane.

Bane was punching away at the vault while Ivy stood behind him, observing while stroking one of her plants.

"So what's going on here?" I said, smirking and crossing my arms over my chest.

The two villains spun around to look at me. Anger spread over their features.

"(h/n)," Bane growled.

"What happened to Batman?" Ivy questioned. "Or the other Bat-brats?"

"Busy. They asked me to cover their shift."

"What a shame. I was looking forward to seeing the Bat. But if he's not coming, then I guess I'll just have to settle with seeing you bleed on the ground!"

As she finished her sentence, Ivy shot her plants at me. I ducked out of the way, slicing one with my blades on my arms. Ivy cried out seeing the plant fall to the ground and shrivel up. Enraged, she launched more plants at me and at faster speeds. I ducked as many as I could, slicing whichever ones came too close.

I gasped when I felt one of the plants wrap around my waist. Another grabbed my wrist while one grabbed my ankle. I struggled against the plants as Ivy walked towards me, smirking.

"You're going to pay for interrupting us, (h/n)," she said. She looked back at Bane. "Care to do the honors?"

He chuckled, smirking.

"With pleasure."

He walked towards me, cracking his knuckles. I twisted my wrist, trying to get access to my blade.


My eyes shot to the busted open door, widening when I saw who was there.

Conner was standing in the doorway, Wolf growling by his side.

"If it isn't Superboy," Bane said. "What are you doing here in Gotham City?"

"I thought I would stop by for a visit," he replied, glaring.

"Take care of them," Ivy said to Bane. "I'll handle (h/n)."

"I don't think so, Ivy," I replied. My blade shot out of my arm guard, slicing through my bonds. I sliced the other plants away, dropping to the ground. "We're ending this here and you two are going back to Arkham Asylum."


Conner, Wolf, and I watched from the rooftop as the police put Poison Ivy and Bane into trucks, inhibitor collars around their necks. I left something soft rub against my hand. I smiled and rubbed Wolf's neck.

"Hey, buddy," I said, letting him lick my face a little. I looked up at Conner as I got to my feet. "What are you two doing here?"

Conner rubbed the back of his neck.

"I needed to talk to you." He sighed. "Artemis told me that you liked me."

I immediately froze.

"Are you serious?" I asked somewhat quietly. Conner nodded. I groaned a little. "Listen, Conner, I-"

I was cut off by a set of lips on my own. I gasped a little in surprise, but melted at the same time. After a little, Conner pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"(y/n), I like you too. I have for a while."

My eyes widened.

"Wait, what?" He nodded. "But I thought you and M'gann-"

"M'gann and I aren't together. After we saved the world, I talked with her, and she said that she was taking a break from relationships. I guess she had you in mind when she said that." He sighed. "You've stuck by me for such a long time, (y/n). You helped rescue me from CADMUS, helping me realize that I could be my own person instead of someone's puppet. During missions, you always had my back. You've always been there for me, no matter the situation. I'm sorry I never said anything. I always thought you never returned my feelings."

I stared at him for a moment. Smiling slightly, I put my hand on his cheek.

"I should have said something. Artemis always told me I should, but I could never find the right moment. I'm sorry, Conner."

"It's alright."

Suddenly, I felt something bump into me, causing me to fall into Conner's chest. He helped me regain my balance before we both looked down. Wolf was looking up at us, seeming to smile up at us. Conner and I laughed.

"Guess he wanted us together," I chuckled.

"Guess so."

Conner turned my head back towards him, capturing my lips with his. I hummed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms slipped around my waist.

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