Nightwing POV

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"Move!" I called through the telepathic link to Artemis and (y/n).

We jumped over the wall, landing in the sand. Black Manta's troops were on the other side, stunned by a blast of light Artemis had just created. The three of us ran at the soldiers, working quickly to take them out. I had finished with my group of soldiers when I saw one get up behind Artemis. He pulled out a knife and ran at her. I ran after him, but Artemis spun around, knocking him over and shooting him with an arrow.

"What?" she said. "I'm not that rusty."

"Uh, guys?" (y/n) said. "We've got company."

We looked towards the water to see Kaldur emerge. M'gann reported that La'gaan had been captured. Conner tried to stop her from pursuing him, saying there were too many missiles outside, but M'gann did it anyway. She was apparently stunned at the moment.

"Kaldur," Artemis said, "you don't want to do this."

"I believe I do," he replied, using his powers to create a wave behind him.

Kaldur sent the wave towards us, knocking me into the sand. Artemis was knocked back several feet, along with (y/n), though in the other direction. Suddenly, the rocket behind us started up, flying into the air. Artemis quickly loaded her bow and fired an arrow at a missile Kaldur had just shot. The two connected, causing the missile to explode and miss the rocket.

"No rust on me," Artemis said with a smirk.

"Artemis, behind you!" (y/n) suddenly shouted.

We turned around in time to see Kaldur knock (y/n) to the ground. I ran at Kaldur, but was knocked away as well. Kaldur swung his water weapon at Artemis, knocking her bow away. She went to punch him, but Kaldur sent his weapon towards her. From what I was seeing, the blade went around her body, though to others like (y/n), it appeared as though she was impaled.

"Welcome back," Kaldur said to her before pulling his weapon away.

Artemis stumbled back, clutching her chest.

"Artemis!" I shouted, getting up and running towards her. I grabbed her shoulders and helped her to the ground. I could tell she already bit her capsule I gave her before the mission. The capsule would slow her heart beat and cause her to appear dead. "I've got you. Hang on."

I placed a patch on her stomach to make it look like a blood stain.

"Move out," Kaldur said. "The mission is a failure." Suddenly, the rocket above us exploded. Kaldur watched it for a moment while I performed CPR on Artemis. "We are done here."

I heard a roar of anger and glanced up to see (y/n) charging at Kaldur. Her blades appeared out of her arm guards. She swung her fists at Kaldur, trying to strike him. I could see the pure rage in her face. Kaldur blocked her attacks and knocked her back. He glanced at me for a brief moment before diving into the water. I continued to perform CPR to my friend.

Above me, the Bio-ship became visible and Conner dropped to the ground. M'gann shot out of the water, her mermaid tail turning to legs. (y/n) rose from her feet, glaring at the sea, then running towards me. They all stopped only a few feet away.

"Conner?" (y/n) said quietly, her voice shaking.

"I... I can't hear her heartbeat," he said in shock.

"Twenty-eight," I muttered, "twenty-nine, thirty." I stopped doing CPR to breath into her mouth several times. I paused and looked to the ground, defeat on my face. The beach was silent. "She's dead," I muttered.

"No," (y/n) whispered, her voice breaking. She knelt by her sister's side, gently lifting her head into her lap. "No, please, no. Artemis... Please don't leave me... Not now... Please..."

Superboy (Young Justice) x reader | Artemis's sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora