(y/n) POV

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I crawled through the ventilation system in Manta's ship. My older sister, Cheshire, was in front of me, leading the way. My father, Sportsmaster, was on his way to find Black Manta. While my sister and father were here to get revenge, I was here to help get M'gann out. After we were done here, I was leaving my family and getting M'gann to safety.

Cheshire finally located Kaldur's room and kicked the vent off the ceiling. We quickly jumped down into the room after taking out the guard. When I landed, I saw Kaldur and M'gann. My martian friend stared at me in shock.

"This is for Artemis," Cheshire said, throwing a sais at my friend.

"No!" M'gann shouted, knocking it away with her chair.

"You protect the man who murdered your best friend?" Jade asked.

"Cheshire, stop," M'gann said telepathically. "You don't understand." Her connect was suddenly cut off, panic spread across her face. "No, not now."

"What?" Jade cried, pointing her sword at M'gann. "What don't I understand?!"

I kept my eyes on Cheshire, but also on Kaldur. I could see that he was back to normal, though he kept up the appearance of still being a mental mess. Kaldur's eyes met mine, moving the slightest bit to keep eye contact. I nodded to him, telling him that I was not here for revenge, unlike the rest of my family.

I looked back at Cheshire as she walked forward.

"Looks like someone already got to Aqualad," she said. "In fact, it looks like that someone was you. Which makes you defending him even more inexplicable and me killing him a lot less entertaining. But then again, I'm not here for the giggles."

Jade raised her sword, ready to strike Kaldur when the door opened. I dodged the blasts fired by the soldiers while Cheshire took them out. I quickly closed the door, shutting it down with my blades. M'gann ran towards my sister, but Jade slammed her into the door, then kicked her to the ground.

"Inhibitor collar," Jade said, seeing the metal device around M'gann's neck. "So no martian powers. Pity."

She walked forward and M'gann grabbed the blaster that was lying on the ground. Jade moved quickly and slammed her into the wall again. M'gann started firing the blaster, hitting the security camera.

"Okay, now we can talk," she said.

Jade ripped the blaster away from her and knocked M'gann to the ground.

"M'gann!" I cried.

"Cheshire, stop!" We turned around to see Kaldur getting out of the bed. He pulled her sais from the wall, stepping forward. "All is not what it seems."

"So it would appear, Mister 'Fakes-a-mental-condition,' that's fine. Killing you will be so much more satisfying now."

"Wait. You seek my death because of your sister. But Artemis is alive. In fact, she is aboard this vessel."

"Artemis... is alive?" Jade put her hands down. She suddenly ripped the sais out of Kaldur's hand, pulling his arm behind him and pointing the weapon at his throat. "You didn't really think I'd buy that, did you?"

My eyes narrowed at my sister.

"You betrayed your friends," Jade said. "Murdered my sister. Perhaps when I cut you open, I'll find you truly heartless."

"Jade, stop," I said. She looked at me through her mask. Kaldur was looking at me as well, but I kept eye contact with Jade. I walked towards her, pulling my hood off to show how serious I was being right now. "Believe me, you don't want to do this."

"You protect him?!" she shouted. "Why?! He killed our sister!"

"Jade, listen to me. Artemis is alive. She's-"

"Sir," I faintly heard. "We have an explosive charge-"

"Get down!" I shouted.

Jade jumped away from Kaldur, hearing the same thing I was. Kaldur apparently heard it too because he wrapped his arms around me, shielding me as the door was blown off its hinges. Kaldur and I groaned as the heavy door landed on top of us. I found it sort of hard to breathe since I had the weight of a metal door and a well built young man on my back. Kaldur tried pushing himself off of me, but collapsed instead. The door was lifted off of us, allowing me to breathe a little.

"Kaldur'ahm!" I heard.

Jade jumped out of the smoke and knocked over Black Manta, throwing a disc at him. The disc landed on his suit, shocking him. I carefully pushed Kaldur off of me, rolling him onto his back. Jade walked to get her sword.

"Father and son," she said. "My lucky day."

I looked at her and smirked slightly when I saw M'gann float into the air.

"Enough!" she said, the collar falling off of her and her eyes glowing green.

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