(y/n) POV

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"You look good."

"Really? Because I feel like a fraud."

Artemis and I walked up to Bart, who was standing in front of Wally's memorial. Wally had died saving the world from the Reach's explosives.

"Well don't," I said to him. "You're honoring Wally's memory by becoming Kid Flash."

"I know he'd be proud," Artemis added.

"Thanks," Bart said. "So, you suited up. But as Tigress?"

"Artemis was Wally's partner," Artemis replied. "I need some distance." She put her mask on. "I need a change. So let's see how Tigress does."

"As a hero?"

"As a blond," I said, patting my sister on the shoulder.

Bart looked at me.

"And what about you?" he asked. "Why aren't you suited up?"

"I've been on this Team for nearly six years," I replied. "After everything that's happened, I need a break. So, for right now, I'm leaving the Team."

"But why? You're one of our best team members."

"I... have my reasons. Believe me, I've loved my time here, but I just need some space for a while."

"You ever planning on coming back?"

"At some point. Don't worry about me, Bart. I'll be fine."

He nodded. I rubbed his head, messing up his hair a little. He chuckled before hugging me. I hugged him back before hugging my sister.

"Take care," she said. "Say hi to Mom for me."

"I will. Just promise to come and visit."

"I will. Maybe I can convince Jade to come too."

"Wouldn't that be nice." We chuckled. "I'll see you later, sis."

"Take care."


I stood to the side of the meeting room, watching the League talk with the Team. Batman was saying how the two teams would fight side-by-side at the Watchtower now. After the League left, Kaldur turned to the Team.

"This team has had successes," he said, turning to face them, "but much remains to be done. Superboy, Miss Martian, Beast Boy. You're Alpha. B'arzz O'oomm has called from Mars. He needs help. Tigress, Kid Flash, Bumblebee, Guardian. You're Beta. LexCorps is bringing out the Reach soft drink under a new name. We need proof."

"Business as usual." I glanced over my shoulder at Dick. I glanced back at the Team, stealing a quick last glance at them. My gaze rested on Conner for a brief moment before I turned away. I started towards the Zeta-tube. Dick followed after me. "You leaving too?"

"It was time for a break. You?"

"Same here. Where are you headed?"

"Gotham City to stay with Mom. She could use the company."

"I'll head there with you then since, you know, we basically live in the same city."

"Be my guest. My car's waiting close by that we can take. Heading to Blüdhaven, I assume?"

"You got it."

We stepped through the Zeta-tube, the computer recognizing us and teleporting us to Gotham. I led Dick to my car and we hopped inside. I drove onto the street, heading for Blüdhaven where Dick's apartment was.

"You doing alright?" Dick suddenly asked after a long silence.


"Are you doing alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Dick didn't respond immediately. "Dick?"

"M'gann told me about your conversation after you helped save her from Manta."

I groaned.

"Great. Does everyone know now?"

"No. Just me, M'gann, La'gaan, and Artemis." He smirked slightly. "You know, I could tell you liked him."

"Excuse me?"

"I knew you liked Conner. I just never said anything about it."

"I'm grateful for that. But how-"


"Right. You going to keep it a secret too?"

"Do you want me to?"

"What do you think? He's obviously still in love with M'gann. It won't take long for them to get back together. Besides, I'm just another team member to him."

Superboy (Young Justice) x reader | Artemis's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now