Miss Martian POV

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After freeing Beast Boy and Impulse, Bart went to find Blue Beetle. Garfield and I went after him. I flew over Gar's head as we went down the halls. As we came to an intersection, a familiar figure came into view.

"You!" I said. Kaldur turned to look at me. I landed on the ground and entered his mind. "Murderer!"

Kaldur tried to resist me as I forced my way into his head, but he was no match for me. I faintly heard him shout as I dove into his head. I saw all of his memories flash before me.

I saw all of our times together on the Team. All of our missions together.

Then suddenly, him shaking hands with Nightwing in front of Tula's memorial and then joining Manta.

Images of his fight with Artemis flashed by, his sword molding around her body instead of going through it.

Dick giving Artemis a necklace that changed her appearance. Wally, Kaldur, and (y/n) were all there too.

Kaldur sneaking secret information to Dick during a fight.

Artemis blowing up Mount Justice.

I pulled out of Kaldur's mind, stunned.

"No," I whispered.

"M'gann?" Gar said, shaking my shoulder. "M'gann?"

Tigress suddenly appeared around the corner, her eyes landing on Kaldur.

"Kaldur!" she exclaimed going to him. She looked from him to me, making eye contact. I used my powers to change her appearance. "M'gann," she said, "what have you done?"

"I thought he had killed you," I tried to reason. "That he deserved it."

Gar suddenly shifted into a tiger and lunged at my friends. Artemis threw a smoke bomb to the ground.

"I'll take mine, you take yours," she said to Gar. "Count yourself lucky, boy."

Garfield roared again as the smoke cleared, revealing an empty hallway. He ran back to me, but I barely saw him.

"M'gann," he said. "Snap out of it. You did good! You took out Aqualad, but the others still need our help."

"Right," I muttered, peeling myself off the ground. I hovered a little over the floor. "Let's go."


I sat in the Bio-ship, La'gaan's arms wrapped around me. Gar had been watching me since we got on board. La'gaan tried talking to me, but I was too distracted.

"Mission accomplished, everyone," Dick said from the Bio-ship's controls. "Well done. Care to take the controls, Miss M?"

His words barely registered in my head.

"Think she's still in the glow of victory," I faintly heard Gar say. "She totally nailed Aqualad! You should've seen it! Well, actually, it didn't look like much, but I'm sure it was very cool inside their heads!"

"M'gann?" I glanced up to look at (y/n). She had a puzzled look on her face. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Can... can we talk?"

"Sure. Here or in private?"


(y/n) nodded and stood up. She walked over to me, looking at La'gaan.

"Could you excuse us for a moment, La'gaan?" she asked politely. "I need to talk with M'gann."

La'gaan nodded.

"Of course."

He let me up, placing a small kiss on my cheek. (y/n) and I walked out of the room, ignoring the looks we were getting. We stepped into an empty room that was sealed off from the main deck of the Bio-ship. (y/n) turned to face me.

"You wanna talk telepathically or out loud?" she inquired.


She nodded.

"What's up?"

"How could you not tell me?"

"What do you mean?"

"About Artemis." I saw her stiffen. "(y/n), I know she's alive and posing as Tigress. But how could you not tell me, tell any of us?" I paused. "I guess I understand now why you were so easy to get over her death."

"Just because I know that she's alive, M'gann, doesn't mean that I don't feel the pain of losing her, the pain of having a hole in my heart. It only makes the pain worse, knowing she could be caught at any moment and that I could truly lose her. I've forced myself to stay strong because that's what she would want me to do."

I nodded. We stood in silence for a moment. I looked down as I felt tears coming to my eyes.

"Hey," (y/n) said, making me look at her. "Come here."

She opened her arms and pulled me into a hug. I held onto her tightly, crying softly into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"It's alright. I should have said something." She pulled me a little closer. "Everything's going to be alright. Once this is all over, Artemis will come back to us. I promise."  

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