"Roma that is not advisable...there are many things that are uncontrollable in war" He added.

She just gave a smirk "Maybe, but I know where I want to be and who is going to stop me?" she asked giving him a look.

For the first time Nick realized that the girl who grew up in his pack, the Evelyn parker he knew and adored, the girl with bright spark and curious eyes...she no longer existed, instead what he saw was Roma, a ruler of a thousand alphas.

"Would not dream of it, Roma" Nick replied politely his head slightly bent submissively, he was now addressing his alpha.

"I am going to be the main attraction Nick" Roma said, "I am going to be the bait" she said smiling and Nick was left standing there confused as Roma walked on.


Everyone had moved in to position, waiting. Roma perched herself on the hillock from where she could see down the land and see the enemy approaching and more importantly they could see her. She would be too tempting to resist and all the enemy would focus on getting to her and that would serve as a perfect opportunity to serve as a distraction for her men to take them out. That's what she meant when she told Nick that she would be the bait.

Alex was busily working on his laptop, he would be the first line of defense for the advancing wolves, he would be responsible for causing maximum casualty using the landmines he planted and the remaining the soldiers would engage.


The American wolves moved in excitement, they were near now just about another seventy miles, their speed increased in anticipation of the kill, at the front were the typical pack grunts guided by gammas and the alphas and betas followed behind keeping an eye on the entire processions.

This was also a strategy, throw the weaker wolves at the enemy and engage them and then when they are tired and down the alphas and betas would take them out, even a werewolf had finite amount of energy and with numbers on their side they could afford multiple attacks on single wolves, even with their loss.  Initially the alphas and betas didn't want to engage in the fight just supervise but now, even they wanted to taste blood after the loss of almost a thousand of their men they were salivating for a bite of revenge, they were already dreaming of their glorious victory and the way the perception of American wolves would change across the world, they would be known as the ones who put an end to the Roma empire and the monarchy.

Their numbers gave them the confidence, Nick's pack and Roma wolves together did not amount to more than five hundred wolves and even all of them were not warriors, they were sourly outnumbered and that would be their downfall.

Confident, the American wolves entered in to Nick's territory.


"Sir, I and seeing activity." One of the men said.

Alex swooped down to look in to the screen of his men, the sensors were picking up heat signatures.

"Sir I see multiple signatures over the sensor net" The Roma wolf added.

This was it, the show was on the road.

"Adrian" Alex tapped his earpiece "They are here" He informed.

"Good, about damn time" Adrian responded in satisfaction, his fingers were twitching on the trigger of the gun he was holding.

"I am implementing Phase one" Alex informed.

"Copied. Over and out" Adrian said and cut off and then picked up the wireless radio and broadcasted "Gentlemen our guests our here, it's time to show our hospitality, wait for your orders and stay put...for now...happy hunting!" he said.

Wrath of RomaWhere stories live. Discover now