Vogel im Käfig

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I stared in shock, my heart beating fast and the hand holding the knife gripping tighter. Petra smiled devilishly, bringing the knife closer to my daughter's throat.

"Tick tock (F/N), tick-tock." Petra threatened me. I tried to take a step forward but Petra just brought the knife even closer to Isabel.

"Petra stop it. Please leave my kid out of this!" I screamed at her but she just dropped the smile and pressed the knife against my child's neck.

"Now now (F/N) I wouldn't do that if I were you. See I have the upper hand here!" Petra said when suddenly my daughter stirred slightly.

"Momma?" Her soft voice called, causing me to let a few tears drop.

"I'm right here baby, just go back to sleep," I said softly and Petra moved the knife a little away from her neck.

"See, we get rewarded for good behavior! Now let's see what else we can do?" Petra said gaining back her smile. I thought for a moment before backing away a few steps. Petra's smile grew and she moved the knife a little more away from Isabel's neck, just enough for me to do this. I quickly lunged at Petra and pushed her threw the window behind her, however, she grabbed me and I fell too. We tumbled to the ground, both of us losing control of our weapons. I went to reach for mine but I landed to close to her so she picked them both up and jumped on me. I kicked her off and she drug the knife across my cheek in the process, blood now beginning to leak from the wound.

"(F/N)!" Levi screamed running to me but I quickly grabbed my knife from Petra and yelled back, "Go get the kids and get the hell out of here!" I began when Petra slashed my arm, allowing me to grab hers and twist it behind her. 

"I have her!" I yelled again. Levi was hesitant but nodded his head and ran into the house. I then slashed the knife across Petra's arms and she wailed in pain. We tumbled around on the ground, each of us slashing, punching, and kicking each other. I was undoubtedly winning but something changed about Petra, she was suddenly stronger and more tolerant to pain. Levi came galloping around the house with both kids clinging to him. I pushed Petra off me and tried to run to the horse when suddenly I stopped in my tracks.

"(F/N)?" Levi yelled coming for me, but the pain spreading from my back to my lower abdomen was burning like a wildfire. Petra threw the knife at me. I fell to my knees and looked down at the red pool of blood soaking my shirt. I pulled the knife out of my back and dropped it in front of me. Levi galloped over to me and jumped off his horse, running to my falling body. 

"No! No, I just got you back you can't leave me now!" Levi cried into my shoulder. He layed me down and ran to Petra, and knocked her out with a few swift blows to the head. 

"Levi stop!" I managed to groan out. He ran back to me and panicked for a moment before picking me up and getting on the horse.

"Isabel, Rivaille, don't look at your mother. Keep your head buried in my back and hold on to me as tight as possible." Levi yelled to them as his horse began to sprint toward the walls.

I looked up and the passing cloud and began to see all of the memories of my life. I saw my mother, my father, my brother, my friends, and the underground. I saw Erwin asking me to the ball, I saw Hanji getting my dress, I saw my first kiss with Levi. I smiled and tears started to fall. My body was going numb from the countless gashes on my body and the stab to my back. I closed my eyes and saw more memories of me and Levi, including the night we got engaged.

"Levi," I began.

"Yes, Love?" He choked out, semi relieved to hear my voice.

"I-i don't know how much longer I can hold on," I said, the pain that was numb bringing to come back to me slowly and painfully. 

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