Soon. Very soon.

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I stood there shocked, staring into Hanji's eyes while she smiled and jumped up. I suddenly felt weak and fell onto the bed. I was gonna be a mom?

"Hey, are you ok?" Hanji said quickly dropping the smile and sitting next to me. I looked up with tears in my eyes and smiled brightly,

"I have never been happier," I said, tears flying out of my eyes now. Hanji gave me a big hug before jumping around in joy. Suddenly Levi came back and placed the soup down on the table. I went to tell him but Hanji quickly grabbed me back and stood in front of me.

"Thanks, clean-freak but I will have to ask you to leave now, (F/N) is feeling this way from lack of sleep. She will rest here for a little before returning, she should be fine after a few hours." Hanji said elbowing me. I was confused but obliged anyway. I walked over to him, gave him a kiss, and gave his hand a squeeze before planting myself in Hanji's bed. Levi reluctantly left and I sat up.

"What the hell was that Hanji?" I asked in confusion.

"If you tell him you are pregnant he won't let you go on the mission when in reality you will be absolutely fine to go on the mission." I nodded understanding and knowing that she is probably right.

"Ok," I said laying down, ready to sleep a little. Hanji brought the soup over and I quickly eat it before turning over and closing my eyes.

~time skip~

~Levi POV~

I walked down to the mess hall, still confused as to why I couldn't sit there with (F/N). I turned the corner and saw (F/N) leaving Hanji's office. I quietly ran over to them and picked my lover up, giving her a loving squeeze.

"Levi!!" She giggled as I put her down. Suddenly I was on the ground and Hanji was standing over me.

"DON'T SQUEEZE HER STOMACH LIKE THAT! SHE FEELS SICK!" Hanji screamed at me and I sat there stunned.

"H-hanji its ok, he was very gentle." My little angel said coming over and pulling me up. I pulled her close and glared at Hanji before walking (f/n) to the mess hall.

"Tch, shitty glasses."

~(F/N) POV~

I giggled and leaned against Levi slightly as we walked. I could feel him tense up slightly before pulling me closer and intertwining our fingers. I raised our hand and placed a kiss on his knuckles.

"Ugh, why do you have to be so damn cute?" Levi said frustratingly, softly pulling me into his chest before placing a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled and layed my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around him. He held me protectively for a few loving moments before kissing my forehead and continuing to lead me to the mess hall.

~God damn I love this man!~ I thought to myself as we entered the mess hall, grabbing some food, and then sitting down with the higher-ups.

"How are you feeling (F/N)?" Erwin asked, earning a glare from Levi.

"I feel much better, I apologize for earlier!" I said holding Levi's hand and eating a small handful of soup.

"No I apologize, it was unprofessional of us to yell across the room." Erwin retaliated, bowing his head slightly. I giggled and Levi let out a small 'tch'. Once we finished eating, I and Levi went back to his office. Levi sat at his desk and did paperwork and I sat down on his couch, drawing him at his desk.

"Love, go to bed, it is very late," Levi said, standing up and walking to me with his arms open. He sat down next to me and I crawled onto his lap.

"No no no, I will wait for you to finish your papers, and then I will go to bed with, you," I said caressing his cheek. He leaned into my hand and closed his eyes with a soft hum of approval. I gave him a soft kiss before he got up and sat back at his desk, finishing the paper he was on.

"Did you just draw this?" Levi asked, picking up the paper and walking to me. I giggled and got up letting him sit down, him then pulling me into his lap.

"Mhm, you looked so handsome so I thought I would try to draw you," I said laying my head on his chest while he held the picture in front of us while his other arm held me securely.

"Try? Its god damn perfect brat!" Levi said harshly. If he said that a few months earlier I would have thought he was being rude, but now I know that he isn't very good with words.

"That's the first time you called me brat in months!" I said softly.

"I am sorry love, it still comes out sometimes. You changed me, made me nicer, softer." He said rubbing my back, placing a kiss on my forehead and rocking back and forth. I hummed in response with my eyes closed, falling in and out of sleep. Levi chuckled lightly and stroked my hair.

"Sleep love. sleep." Levi cooed into my ear and sleep I did.

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