Can it be true?

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~POV Levi~ 

As we rode across the long fields, headed to our destination, all I could see every time I took a chance to look at the scenery was (F/N) laying against a tree. I shook the thought from my head as best as possible and tried to focus on the map.
"It's right up here," I said emotionless like I have been since, well you know. I pointed through a tree gap and as we got closer, a beautiful antique log house showed up. There was a horse stable next to it where we put the horses and carried everything inside.
"Wow! Looks like we won't need this for a while!" Petra exclaimed as we walked into the house, finding that everything was spotless. She threw the cleaning supplies in a closet and I carried the clothes up to the bedroom, only to find that room spotless too. I put everything on the bed and walked back downstairs.
"Yes, dear?"
"Go out and find some source of water for the horses and bottle some for me to clean," I said, walking into the kitchen to try and find some food for me to make.
"Ok! I'll be back soon!" She said, kissing my cheek and then walking out of the house. I opened a pantry to see lots of plants and berries in jars along with what looked like a rabbit in the freezer.
"Hmm, this should do," I whispered to myself, grabbing out what I needed, cleaning my hands before I began to clean off the food.

~POV Petra~
I left the house and headed further into the woods. The house was beautiful and a perfect place for me and Levi to be alone, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't weird that everything was perfectly clean and all the food seemed fresh. I brushed it off and continued to climb through the bush.
As I was walking starting to lose hope, I heard splashing water. I listened closer and followed the sound. I kept hearing water splashing and something like children giggling. I suddenly heard the most angelic like the voice I have ever heard, singing an unfamiliar song.
"Je T'aime, Je T'aime Toujour. I am forever yours. Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon share, always in my prayers." The voice sang. I tracked it down to behind a bush and as I pushed through the bush being as quiet as possible, I saw two adorable children that looked oddly like Levi playing in the water. I hear the singing pause and look around for the owner of the voice, only to have my eyes land on a person I wished I would never see again.
"Petra?!" She said. I panicked and ran.
"Stay here children! Petra wait!" The voice called again chasing after me. I kept running but was quickly tackled to the ground.
"Petra is Levi here?!" She asked.
"HE IS MINE! GO BACK TO YOUR TREE!" I screamed shoving her off and throwing her into a tree. She quickly got up and tried to say something but I began punching her. She fought back fiercely and I began screaming.
"LEVI!" I screamed trying to get out of her grasp. Soon after she was tackled off me and I scooted back and began to think, oh no, what have I done?

~POV Levi~
I hear Petra scream my name and quickly run out the door in her direction. I sprinted as fast as I could until I finally found her with another woman pinning her to the ground. I tackled the mysterious lady and she swiftly got back up. I was just about to go swing when her eyes filled with tears.
"L-Levi?" She whispered and I took a minute to really look at her and hear her voice. It all came together and I stumbled over to her, my eyes were flooded with tears.
"(F/n)?!" I exclaimed shakily. Just before I could run to her I saw a little boy that looked scarily like me and a little girl that had my hair but (F/N)'s eyes. The girl ran to (F/N) and grabbed her hand before asking, "Mommy, who is this?"

Always Smile. Yandre! Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now