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~1 year later~

I woke up and immediately jumped out of bed, getting ready to go to breakfast, no sparing a second so I could get to see him sooner. Once I finished brushing my hair, I pulled it up into a high ponytail and walked out the door. Just as I entered the mess hall and waved to Levi. I swiftly made my way over and sat down with him, smiling at everyone. 

"Good morning everyone!" I said cheerily. Most of them either waved and smiled or said good morning back. However, I felt a pair of eyes on me and looked over to see Petra slowly slightly. I left her alone and decided to go grab my food. As I began to stand up, Levi pushed me back down and stood up.

"What do you want? I need to fill my teacup any way." Levi said in a low bored tone. I surprised him by pulling him back down and jumping up. I reached over him and quickly grabbed his teacup, not noticing how close I put my breast to his face. I stood back up and noticed his cheeks flare-up. 

"I will go up and get my food, and fill your cup while I am up there." I joked. I and most of the people at the table giggled. As I was making the tea for Levi, I heard the kitchen door open and close. I looked back and saw Bert standing in front of the door. I simply turned around and finished the cup of tea. I grabbed my food and turned back around, heading for the door.

"Excuse me Berthold," I said, keeping my voice low and calm, keeping my eyes on the door. 

"(F/N)... Look I know what I did was wrong, and I am sorry. I really don't know what to say, except that I really want our friendship back." Bert said it was easy to hear the pleading in his voice. However, I was not ready to confront him about this.

"Berthold, please move." I laced the word please with a tone indicating that I was telling, not asking. He shifted slightly and just as I was about to shut the door, he whispered something in my ear. I really loved you. I walked back to the table and gave Levi his tea, not saying a word. I finished my food quickly, and exciting the moment I was done.

I got into my spandex shorts and a sports bra, heading out to the field. There was no training today and I needed to blow off some steam. I walked over to the punching bag and began beating the shit out of it. By the time I was done, it had over 20 rips and it was completely out of formation. I felt a little better but needed something more. I started to do push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. 50 each. Another 50 each. I was now feeling much better, but I still needed something more.

Run. I turned toward the forest where Berthold took me to get to the lake. I took a deep breath and took off, first a jog, then a run, and finally, I began full-on sprinting. The feeling of this was pure ecstasy. Working out and running always helped clear my mind and make me feel better. I was jumping over rocks and fallen trees, turning and swerving around standing trees, running along a river, and taking moments to look at the scenery or animals. 

I decided to head home and turned around, begin to sprint back again. I exited the forest and stopped for a breath. I walked over and grabbed a towel and my water bottle, chugging the water. I began to walk to the building, my legs begging to rest yet my mind begging me to keep going. I entered the building and realized that I had missed lunch and it was almost dinner time.

"(F/N)!" I heard Levi shout down the hallway. I turned around and saw him storming toward me.

"Where the hell were you cadet?!" Levi practically screamed in my face, however, I only giggled because he didn't realize how much worry was on his face and in his voice.

"Calm down Captain, I just went to work out and afterward went for a run." Levi looked down at me and blushed hard when he saw what I was wearing.

"Next time alert me or Hanji when you are going to leave the campus. Understood cadet?" Levi was now looking straight into my eyes, however, his tone was much softer yet still firm. I nodded and turned around, heading back to my room. 

I showered, changed, and headed back to the mess hall for dinner. Just as I entered, I was quickly snatched back out into the hall. I jumped around see Erwin standing there with a piece of paper and a rose. 

"Cadet (F/N) (L/N), would you do me the pleasure of joining me to the king's ball tonight? I was told to bring a date and I figured that the king might like to meet you now that you are," Erwin paused and blushed slightly, "in much better mental and physical shape than before." I giggled and took the rose from him.

"I would love to accompany you, Commander Erwin." I winked and he blushed again.

"Perfect, Hanji will give you a dress. Please be ready and downstairs at 8:00." 

"Yes sir!" I smiled radiantly, super excited that I get to attend the king's ball with the commander of the survey corps! Its a once in a lifetime opportunity! I turned around and saw Levi standing in the doorway, his face in a scowl. 

"Erwin, you know that you must ask me to take her there first since she is my cadet. And my answer is no." His voice was laced with venom. It took me by surprise. Erwin stepped in front of me and stood tall.

"Levi this is an occasion that I will not grant you permission to make that call." Erwin retaliated, grabbing my hand and leading me toward Hanji's office. As we began to leave, Erwin paused and looked back at Levi.

"If you are so worried about her, why not come with Hanji?" Erwin practically taunted him. Levi growled and stormed off. Erwin let him go and continued leading me down the hall to Hanji's office. 

"Go on inside and get a dress, I will be at my room getting ready. You have 2 hours to chose a dress, get ready, and meet me downstairs." Erwin said very softly, almost... sweetly. I nodded and walked into Hanji's office.

"Hey Hanji, I was told by Erwin that you will be giving me a dress for the king's ball tonight!" I greeted her. She squealed and immediately got to work, pulling out a million dresses and handbags and makeup and hair utensils and golly, pretty much anything you could imagine to use for this. 

12 dresses later, she finally stopped and took a second to think. All of a sudden, she jumped up and gasped, running over to a different closet and opening the doors. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and she pulled out the most beautiful dress I have ever seen in my life (Dress up top).

"Try this on right now!" Hanji squealed, shoving me and the dress into the bathroom. I stared at it for a moment before quickly slipping it on and pulling the strap over my neck. It fit my curves perfectly, showing off my perfect hourglass figure. I was in love with it, until I turned around and realized that the bak was super low, showing off the two large scars on my back. Screw it! I thought to myself.

I closed my eyes and walked back into the room to show Hanji. 

"So... What do ya think?!"

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