The Actual Contest, Part Two

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Adrien absentmindedly wondered what they would be wearing. After Marinette had left, some people had come up to him to ask questions .
"Hey Adrien, do you remember which time slot your duet was in?" Mylene asked. "They lost the paper."
Adrien glanced off to the side, trying to remember. "I think we were second-to-last. Out of the vocal groups." Mylene marked something down on a clipboard she was holding and smiled. "Thanks!"
And, just like everyone else, she dashed off to somewhere or other. Not much happened until it was fifteen minutes 'till showtime, when he heard a familiar voice call his name. Nathalie.
Five minutes later, he stepped out of the dressing area. He wore a suit that had just the right amount of extravagance, perfect for the event. It fit exactly right, but that wasn't a surprise, because his father had designed it.
The suit itself was black, and it had a green tie and green accents here and there, complimenting his vivid green eyes, of course.
(Kind of like the one in the picture, but without the red.)
Adrien smiled. "Thank you, Nathalie." The assistant nodded deftly and exited out the back.
Standing in front of a mirror, he fixed the collar and sleeves.
I hope Marinette found something to wear.
The yell resounded, spurring everyone into quicker action. Marinette was still absent.
The first duet came and went, and the audience cheered as they left the stage.
No Marinette.
The second duet lasted longer, and the audience applauded for a few minutes following the performance.
No Marinette.
They were next.

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