Chapter one

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The clock was ticking as I was laying on my bed looking at the clear white ceiling,thinking of the prom and if I should go and tell her to go with me.
Lots of guys asked her but she refused and said that she would like to go alone.

I'll always want to understand the way she think,I'll always want to see the world from her eyes and I'm sure I'll never do any of that.

The alarm rang.
Okay,another night of thinking and not sleeping.I hate myself.

After about 20minutes I was ready.
I stalked her Instagram account.
Most of the photos were her oil paintings and just few was her drawing on her face.

"Go for it!"Said dad behind me.

"What?"I asked and he sat beside me.

"You are always opening this girl's account for like two years and I can see that this period you are having a lake of sleep thinking about this girl,Go and talk to her!"He ordered and I smirked.

"I-I swear I tried but,I failed"I said nervously.

"Why?"Asked mom that came and sat at the chair in front of me.

"You are so sweet and I'm sure telling her your true feelings will make you feel way more comfortable"She said.

"Okay,I'm out!"I said laughing shocked standing up,they both knew about her and I didn't notice.I'm a failure!

"Adam,just tell her"Mom said and I nodded then I heard the bus park so,I left and waved my hands at them.

I saw Simon sitting next the window so,I ran beside him.

"How are you?"I asked as the bus started moving and he was smirking.

"Great!"He said moving his eyebrows telling me to look at the seat beside us.
I looked to see her sitting next to the window,reading a book wearing a short dress and her short hair was behind her ears showing an amazing side profile.
I looked back at him putting my hand over my stomach.

"Holy shit!I'm nervous"I said resting my head back.

"It's your chance"Simon said and I looked at her again.
I must tell her something first to get her attention.
C'mon Adam!It's something easy for you.
The bus was getting closer to Alex's house so,I did it.
"Hey"I said putting my hand on the seat ,forgetting about the distance between this chair and mine.

She looked at me closing her book.

"There's something at your hair"I whispered so no one at the bus could hear me and the bus stopped to get Alex.
She put her hand over her hair brushing it gently.

"No"I said standing ,putting one leg at the distance between us and the other one at the stairs touching her hair acting like I'm trying to remove something.
The bus's door was opened and Alex entered and as known he always sits back so,I had to let him in by sitting on the seat beside her.
Mission completed!

He entered and I completed removing the no-thing from her hair.
I acted like I threw it on the floor.

"Wait,what was that?"She asked talking to me.

"A feather"I said,then asked,"Do you have a bird at your house?"

"No,I don't have pets"She said and I acted like I'm surprised saying,"Really?"
I already know that you don't have,love.

"Yes,I'm scared if I get close to it then it dies or if I just don't take care of it"She said and I felt like she is helping me with talking to her.

"I was like you at the beginning and now I'm having a monkey at my house"I said smiling.

"Really?"She asked with a smile.

"Yes,His name is Robert and he is my little brother"I joked and I hope she laughs and do not find it bad.

She laughed,okay ,good sign.

"Kidding,It's my brother who is having a monkey and he call it abu"I said and she looked at me for a second.

"Is that.."

"Yes,Aladdin's"I said looking down.

"That's actually sweet"She said and I nodded.

Then silence filled the space and I looked at Simon.
He was resting his head at the seat in front of him,looking at us then he moved his lips saying a word.

It wasn't that hard to understand.

"Can I ask a question?"I asked her and she joined her eyebrows.

"What did he tell you?"She said talking about Simon.

"Okay,I will go for it"I said as an interphase.
"So,I wanted to ask you if you can go with me to prom but,lots of guys asked you and you told them that you want to go alone,and actually he reminded me to ask you,Why do you want to go to prom alone?"I said using sign language a lot and face expressions more.

"Because I don't want to dance"She said.
I looked at Simon who was confused as well.

"Pretty legit"I said and she smiled.

"Okay,I will sit there"I said standing up then sat again,"what if I don't dance?"

"Please stop"She said laughing.

"Okay,Okay"I said standing and sitting back next to Simon.
At least I talked to her a friendly talk.
At least she noticed me and smiled.

It was a normal day at school,I saw her like three times today at the hall and once at lunch and I didn't sit with her so,I don't force her to talk to me but,she smiled at me everytime we met so ,She OFFICIALLY noticed me.

At the end of the day,I went to the bus with Simon and I met her ,I went to her direction and she was smiling already.

"Won't you come?"I asked looking at bus.

"No,I'll go first to any cafe and do my homework there then I'll go home on foot"She explained.

"Okay,see you tomorrow then,Sarah"I said and she nodded.

"See you,Adam"
Act normal act normal act normal act normal.

I smiled then ran to the bus and sat at my usual place.

"She knows my naaame"I whispered as I got close to Simon.

"Stop being weird!It's fine.Most girls in school know you for your high grades"Simon explained and I stopped smiling.

"But,she is different"I said and smiled again.

The bus started moving and we were heading to Alex's house first as always.
The bus driver was driving a little bit fast but,it was fine.

I was really thinking about her,Could we be something?I wish.

The bus was getting faster and faster.I looked at the bus.
Everyone was sleeping even Simon.

"HEY!"I shouted at the bus driver but,I felt like he would never hear me so ,I went closer but,I was really sleepy and I felt like I had a migraine,I didn't even sleep today!

The bus speed was going crazy.
I don't know what happened but,I found my self on the ground feeling pain in my head and in my knees.

I stood fast and I felt like the world was turning around me then I looked at the driver,My image was blurry already but,I believe he is hiding his face.
I got closer but I felt like the bus flew just like I did and I heard a big crash and felt pain in my face and chest then I gave up and slept.

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