16 - Dawn of the Last Day

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Marinette had to be the one to wake Adrien. When his alarm rang off, he turned it off and continued sleeping.

"Adrien, wake up! Come on," she moved him, but Adrien didn't even flinch "If you don't wake up then... Then I'll make you have a shower with freezing water!".

"Mmm... But you can't do that... Mhm... You're not strong enough... Mmm" Adrien mumbled, burying his face in his pillow. Marinette frowned and crossed her arms.

"Maybe I can't carry you there... But I could overshadow you," Adrien opened his eyes immediately "And you're leaving me no choice but to-". Adrien shut her up by pulling her to the bed with him. Marinette ended being under Adrien, who was keeping her hands beside her head, and her legs were between his. They started laughing, and finished with a sigh.

"Don't you dare, Purrincess" Adrien said, forming a big smirk on his face. However, Adrien didn't know that Marinette couldn't overshadow him. He was the only person immune to that. Of course, she wouldn't tell him that.

"Purrincess? Adrien, your Chat is showing" she smiled. Adrien got closer to her.

"Oh? And is that a bad thing?" Adrien asked, getting even closer. Marinette could smell his breath; mint.

"N-No..." Marinette stammered, and she had a good reason to. Adrien was trying to kiss her again. She didn't hesitate and leaned in as well. They were even closer than the first time. But destiny didn't want it to happen.

"Adriiieeen, I want my cheese!," Plagg then saw them staring at him, still in the position they were "You two lovebirds should stop... Whatever you were doing, and keep in mind this is your last day".

Both Adrien and Marinette blinked, and then turned to look at each other.

Dang it.

Adrien quickly stood up and went to the shower. Marinette decided to help him with his bed, and prepared his bag. Adrien came out as fast as he went in, thanked Marinette for the stuff she did and they both went down.

They gave the blond the same breakfast, and then both of them went to school on his limo.

"Hey, remember to tell your bodyguard that he has to pick you up at the hospital" she told him, and Adrien shook his head.

"Umm, listen; after school I'll be going to the hospital to visit a friend and then I'll go straight home" Adrien informed the Gorilla, who just nodded.

Marinette didn't quite understand why Adrien didn't tell his bodyguard to pick him up at the hospital. What was this guy planning? However, she decided to ignore it. Maybe Adrien had a good reason, and he was going to tell her about it later. Keeping that in mind, she turned her head to the window and leaned against it.

Once they got to the school, Marinette decided to simply pass through the car door. Adrien followed behind once he was out of the limo. Marinette noticed that Adrien was making gestures with his hand to make her follow him somewhere. The bluenette raised an eyebrow, but obeyed anyway.

Adrien saw that Marinette was walking his way and he walked to the boys' bathroom. Inside, he closed the door.

"Alright, I suppose you're wondering why I don't want my bodyguard to pick me up at the hospital" he blurted out, making Marinette take a small step back in surprise. She sighed.

"You took the words out of my mouth" she giggled, making Adrien giggle as well.

"The thing is I don't want to have a time limit to try to do something aboutbyour state once we're there, and I'm also taking advantage of the fact that my father is giving me more freedom than usual, and also that I don't think any akumas will attack since we have the one that belongs to Tloz captured" Adrien explained. Marinette crossed her arms and analyzed Adrien's logic. She had to admit, the blond had some good points and they had less than 24 hours to try and do something.

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