1 - The Accident

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A/N: The italics are the thoughts.

Ladybug quickly jumps aside as the current Akuma shoots her. That arrow almost got her.
"I thought you were saving your fire arrows for later" she said as she recovered from the fast jump.
Our spotted heroine was fighting an Akuma that had to do with gaming, again. This time, the victim's favorite game was destroyed by some bullies. He got Akumatized and his powers are based of the hero of his game.

"I was going to, but I still have two other type of arrows, and my other items" claimed the Akuma, who grabbed a boomerang from his inventory. Ladybug was a bit worried, even though she didn't make it clear. First, Chat hadn't arrived. Second, this Akuma had a ton of items and any of those items could be where the Akuma was hiding.

It could be in his sword, his shield, his bow or arrows, his bombs, that strange clawshot, or even in his weird green hat. But there was other place that was highly more probable; the boy had a necklace which consisted of three yellow triangles and these formed another triangle. She would try that place first.

"Really now? What kind of arrows?" she asked, so he could get a bit distracted.

"Ice arrows and light arrows. You've seen the fire arrows and the normal ones, wanna see my other items?" he asked, preparing his boomerang.

"No, thank you". Ladybug bit her lip when she realized she didn't distract him. He quickly threw his boomerang at her and Ladybug tried her best to dodge it, but for some reason the boomerang followed her and eventually hit her.

The boomerang returned to the Akuma, he grabbed it and put it away.
Then, with his clawshot, he brought Ladybug closer to him. She didn't have time to grab her yo-yo, so it was left behind. When she was close enough, he tried to grab her earrings.

She pushed him and fell to the ground once again. Accidentally, one of his bombs also fell, and was about to explode. The boy got really scared and ran away from the bomb, forgetting completely about the miraculous and the fact that Ladybug was laying right next to said bomb.

She stood up and started running, unfortunately, the bomb exploded and it reached Ladybug. The fire didn't cause any physical damage, but the explosion made her jump. After that, she hit her head abruptly. The impact made her lose consciousness.


Marinette de-transformed since her earrings fell off. After some minutes, Chat arrived to the place where the bluenette was laying. He started analyzing the place when he noticed Marinette.

"Oh my- Marinette!" he exclaimed, when he saw her, laying unconscious on the ground. He immediately ran to her location and tried to wake her up, to no avail. Chat carried her to the hospital as fast as possible.

Sadly, he didn't retrieve the earrings.


The worried Chat was waiting outside of the emergency room. Of course, he was also worried about Ladybug's whereabouts, but she can handle things herself, she's a superhero after all. Not like Marinette, she's a civilian and apparently she hit her head really hard.

He was walking in circles, blaming himself. It's all my fault, if I had arrived earlier, I could have saved Marinette. Chat was repeating this over and over in his mind, feeling even more guilty about Marinette's state.

After around 15 minutes, one nurse came out. She walked to Chat as he stopped walking.

"Sir, your... friend is... uh...". She stopped talking, thing that worried Chat. What was wrong? Why was the nurse so preoccupied? She couldn't be dead... Could she? Was it grave? He needed to know, he needed to know if Marinette was OK.

"What is it? Is she OK?" he asked, his tone, desesperate. His green, cat-like eyes were wide open. He noticed the nurse's gulp. Something was wrong, and it wasn't something minor.

"I-I'm terribly sorry, sir... Your friend is... in a coma". Chat froze. The nurse was nervous. It's hard to give such a notice, especially to someone that looked so young.

Chat's eyes lost their spark. Marinette was in coma, in a thin deadline. And it was his fault, no one else's. His beautiful green eyes showed his sadness.


So? Was it good? I hope you like it 'cause it took me three days to write this whole chapter.
10 votes for the next part!
Bai-bai 👋👋👋

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