9 - The Favor

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Chat carefully entered the room through the trap door. He closed it without making noise and sat down on the bed. Marinette had passed through the glass and had waited for Chat to enter the normal way. The room didn't have any lights on, but it was illuminated enough. Chat didn't need to use his night vision thanks to Marinette. She was a living lamp. Even though, Marinette noticed that Chat's eyes were pretty noticeable. Like any cat's eyes, his were outstanding.

"Mari?" he whispered. If they talked louder, Sabine and Tom would definitely wake up. Chat still needed to process what had happened. Specially when he saw Marinette pass through the window just like that.

"Oh... Yeah, I'll try to explain everything" she whispered back and started to tell the whole story. From the moment she woke up in the hospital, started to realize her situation, talked to Master Fu, looked for the chosen person, mastered her abilities, to the moment he found her on the fountain.

"Wow... That's... A lot" he said, whispering of course. His eyes were wide like two plates as he processed what the bluenette told him. So it turned out he was the chosen one to help her go back to the real world? And her soul was separated from her body and she didn't know why? Also, no one else could see her except himself?



"I'm sorry for telling you this way Chat" he noticed her voice sounded distant, like she was talking to him from really far away. Was it because of her state?

"What do you mean?".

"I meant I'm sorry for being so... Direct. I know it is a lot to process" and Marinette was right. Chat looked down. It indeed was a lot. Chat, of course, believed her. He was seeing her with his own eyes. It wasn't a vague story with no arguments. But there was still a question roaming around in his mind.

"Mari?" he asked, raising his view. She made a gesture so he could continue. Chat doubted. He was scared what reaction Marinette would have to his question. He was scared it would make her be scared all the time. Chat didn't want her to feel insecure anymore, because he was sure she felt that way before she found him. Well... Before he found her.

Even though, he still needed to know.

"How am I supposed to help you?". She didn't talk, but he already knew the answer.

Marinette had no idea.


"Alright, we're here" he left her carefully on the floor, slowly so she could stand up. They agreed to try something at the hospital first, her body was there after all. The decision was made almost immediately, Chat Noir and Marinette went to the hospital the night after the reunion. That night, Chat left Marinette in her room so she could rest. He went to his house and slept as well as he could since he had school the next day.

Chat told her, before leaving her room, that they couldn't see each other that much during daytime, since he had a lot of activities as Adrien. Obviously, he didn't mention that. What made him glad was the fact that Marinette accepted his condition with no fights over it.

"Now wha-" Marinette stopped when she saw her body. Breathing became harder and her chest went up and down fast. Chat noticed this and started caressing her back, and held her hand.

"Take a deep breath Marinette" he said, his thumb caressing her ghostly skin. Her hands formed fists as she did what the hero said. She closed her eyes and took long, deep breaths. After doing so, she felt better. Chat gripped her hand and Marinette opened her eyes. Her expression was at ease. She was breathing normally again.

"Now... What should we try?" she asked, crossing her arms above her chest. Chat grabbed his chin as he thought. An idea came to mind fast.

"You can overshadow bodies, right?," he asked and she answered with a confused nod "Okay, so what if you do that? Maybe if you... er... Enter your own body, everything will be back to normal". She stared at him for a while, then gave him a smile and nodded again.

Marinette made her way to the bed and layed there, her ghostly form disappearing into her souless body. She didn't say or do anything, so Chat took the lead.

"Try moving your arms or something".

She did as he said, but her human hands didn't move.


Around 2 passed and nothing. Marinette kept trying stuff, but Chat was exhausted. He needed to sleep, he had school tomorrow. Also, he had an important Physics exam. Chat was disappointed because they didn't accomplish a thing. Marinette sat on the chair as Chat walked to the bed.

"I'm sorry Princess, but I need to sleep urgently" he sat down on the edge of the bed. He looked at her and she smiled.

"Don't worry Chat" she replied kindly.

Chat returned the smile and accidentally placed his hand on the body's. Marinette then straightened up and her eyes opened.

"Chat," she said fast, he instantly looked at her "I felt a tingling when you touched the hand". He yawned "That's something, but we'll talk about it tomorrow".

She frowned, but he gave her a pleading look. He wanted to sleep, he needed to sleep. His eyes weren't as enthusiastic as before. Marinette sighed and nodded. No words were needed.

Chat said good-bye and left. He was too tired to take her to her place. And she understood that.


Adrien, once his homework was finished, was about to transform when Plagg talked to him.

"Hey kid, I have an idea" he exclaimed, flying up to Adrien's face.

"What is it?".

"What if you ask Marinette for help?" Plagg suggested, crossing his little paws. Adrien raised an eyebrow.

"Help with... What?" Adrien asked, curious. He needed help with something?

"With the Ladybug fiasco, remember? Maybe we can ask he-" the Kwami was interrupted when his holder spoke.

"Say no more, Plagg! Claws out!".


Marinette was waiting patiently in her room for Chat. She felt as if the day wasn't going to end. She was eager to hear his thoughts about what happened when he touched her body's hand the night before. Besides that, she simply was happy to finally have someone to talk to.

When she heard a knock on her trap door, a small smile formed on her face "Come in". Chat entered and sat down in front of her on the bed, legs crossed.

"Hey Princess" he smiled. Marinette liked looking at his eyes when they were in her room. Since they had to be surrounded by complete darkness, his eyes always stood out. The color was amazingly beautiful, and she just noticed how his pupils were cat-like. Obviously, she had noticed it before, but now those details became more important.

"Hey Chat" she replied back, kindly. "Can we talk about what happened yesterday?".

"Sure, sure, but before that... I need to ask a big favor from you, i-if you wouldn't mind..." he stammered, Marinette noticed. It had to be a big favor. She waited for him to continue.

"I'll go directly to the point. Ladybug was absent for a while, but suddenly, another person came to patrol one night, claiming to be a replacement and I'm not stupid, I didn't believe her. She said the earrings were given to her, but I honestly don't believe that either. I think she found the earrings somewhere," he paused and then continued "I need your help to find out her identity".

Marinette was shocked. She was furious, actually. So Tikki is with a girl that is a liar, selfish, probably cocky and stubborn. The poor Kwami must be suffering. Maybe this mysterious girl is torturing Tikki so she can transform! That thought filled Marinette with rage. With no doubt she answered.

"I'll help".

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