6 - The New Ladybug

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What was wrong with that girl? She's so stupid. "Nah, she isn't stupid. She's, like, sooo lame" the blonde thought while walking through the streets. Sabrina declined to doing her homework, for the first time. Of course, Chloe asked her why. The ginger just said that she had to help Marinette with their project.

Sabrina thought that it wouldn't be fair for Marinette to do her whole part for the big project right after waking up, if she actually did; that is. Chloe actually considered not getting mad at Sabrina for being so nice, but she erased that thought. Chloe yelled at Sabrina for replacing her and for not being a true friend. After that, she left.

Chloe kept walking. Suddenly, she started thinking about Marinette. Even if the bluenette was her mortal enemy, she was having a hard time. A coma? Geez... That was something grave. Chloe couldn't imagine how worried and sad her parents were. To find out that your daughter fell in a coma would shatter anyone's day. Thanks to Sabrina, and Miss Bustier, Chloe found out that every single one of her classmates had visited Marinette, even Sabrina, expect herself.

Chloe felt less special (😑) and decided to visit Marinette, just to be seen better by everyone else. She changed directions and walked directly to the hospital were Marinette was. When she got there, she asked for permission and entered the room.

Her eyes widened. There she was, with a tube on her mouth, Marinette. Chloe closed the door behind her and got near Marinette. She stared at her for some minutes before noticing a lot of gifts on the desk next to the bed. There were plushies, balloons, a lot of cards and a big bouquet of pink roses inside a glass of recently changed water, most of them already rotten.

"These are old...", and it got the blonde's attention. She read the little card next to the glass.

"Get well soon Mari! We all miss you!

It also had a little black cat drawn next to the name. "Huh... I didn't know Adrikins liked cats...". She then remembered that Adrien was the second person that missed Marinette the most. The first was obviously Alya. Chloe chuckled. "Get well Marinette Dupain-Cheng, not soon but... Get well". She then left the room.


Chloe was walking through the streets once again, but this time she was using another route. After walking for around 10 minutes, she saw a park. That park. The park where the accident happened. She stopped right on her tracks and decided to take a closer look inside. Maybe she would even see Adrien. He usually had photoshoots there.

Chloe crossed the road and entered the park. No Adrien. She walked a bit to be completely sure and looked around. She sighed and looked down. There, she saw one earring, and she recognized it immediately.

It was Ladybug's earring. She picked it up and put it away. She quickly started looking for the other one, and found it under a bench. Right after she put that one away as well, she called her limousine to go to her hotel.


Chat jumped out of his room and went to the Eiffel Tower to patrol... alone. Once there, he sighed. It still hit him. Ladybug had disappeared and Marinette was in a mortal borderline. He sighed once again. He sat down.

Then, he heard something shocking. Chat heard that familiar sound of a yo-yo wrapping around something. He turned around and saw Ladybug flying directly to him. He stood up and grabbed her before they both fell from the Tower.

She recovered her balance and stood straight. "That was a close one, thanks Chat" she said, not letting go of his hands. Chat was the one to let her go.

He was about to ask her where she had been all that time and then question why her hair and voice had changed, but he realized that was just stupid. This clearly was not Ladybug. He wasn't some kind of book character that had to say and do stupid things just to add stuff to the story.

"Okay, I'll go straight to the point. Who are you and why do you have Ladybug's miraculous?" he asked, crossing his arms and made direct eye contact.

Chloe didn't say anything. Those eyes...

"So?", he asked again.

The blonde blinked a few times before answering with a grin "I don't know what happened to the previous Ladybug, but I was... chosen to replace her until she came back". She leaned closer "Now, forget about her and teach me how to use this yo-yo".

Chat Noir leaned back and sighed "Fine...". Who was this girl? Although he was happy Paris had a Ladybug again, he wanted the original. This substitute seemed to be way too over the top, not to mention he didn't really trust her.

"I suppose you have a good aim, since you were able to get here, so we won't work on that" he pointed a building not too far away "I want you to try to make you- er... the yo-yo wrap up around that building".

Ladybug was about to do that, but Chat stopped her. "Just... What are you doing?".

"I was about to wrap up that building, duuuh". Chat got closer to her and grabbed both of her arms from behind. He slowly moved her the way she's supposed to use the yo-yo, just like the real Ladybug used to do.

Chloe looked back at him, and smiled "Thanks". She started to get even closer, but Chat let her go.

"Alright, now do it just like I showed you".


Once inside his room, Adrien de-transformed and gave Plagg a complete Camembert wheel. He changed to his pajamas and layed down on his bed.

Strangely, Plagg just gave one bite to his cheese and then flied to Adrien.

"Adrien, we need to find out who that girl is. A holder is only replaced when they... die, and I honestly don't think Ladybug is dead" Plagg said.

"But then how does she have the earrings?" the blond asked.

"I don't know... But I'll help you any way I can". Adrien nodded.

He wasn't going to let someone like that girl use the name of Ladybug. Still, even if he had Plagg's help, he needed someone else.


Finally summer vacation!! Now I'll write a lot more recently. And I'll sleep too... Hehe...

Bai-bai 👋👋👋

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