five | la push

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It took a little over a week for Ruth to recover from her concussion. During that time, a trip to First Beach in La Push had been planned and Bella extended an invitation to her. So, that weekend, Ruth walked down to Bella's house and waited by her truck. Bella left her house a few minutes after Ruth arrived, unlocking the truck so they could get inside. As Bella pulled out of the driveway, she asked, "So, how are you?"

"Memory's a bit fuzzy from the accident," Ruth confessed. "But, overall, I'm good. You?"

"Yeah," Bella said. "But I wasn't the one who got a concussion."

"Not my first, and not my last." Ruth leaned her head against the glass. "It's a nice day out. Can't believe there's actually sun."

Bella laughed.

"Who all's going?"

"Me and you," Bella said. "Mike, Angela, Jessica, and Eric. Oh, and Tyler."

"Nice." Ruth wondered if Charlie really had taken Tyler's license away like he threatened to, but decided against asking. 

Bella drove to the Newtons' Olympic Outfitters store. It was owned by Mike's parents, and it was where everyone was meeting up. As Bella pulled into the parking lot, Ruth recognized Tyler's van. It still had a dent from where Edward saved her and Bella. A group was standing by the van. Ruth realized it was their friends.

They got out of the truck and Mike greeted them in his usual, happy way. Bella was talking to him, but Ruth wasn't paying attention. She shoved her hands in her pockets, rocking back and forth on her heels. She didn't even realize that Angela was talking to her.

"Hmmm?" she hummed.

"I asked if you were feeling better," Angela repeated.

"Oh. Yeah," Ruth said. "Much better. Doc said I was good and everything." 

She nodded, smiling. "That's good. A lot of us were really worried."

Ruth smiled back. "Well, you can let 'em know that I'm doin' okay."

Their conversation was interrupted by Eric announcing it was "time to get the show on the road". Everyone piled in Tyler's van, squeezing into the seats. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but at least First Beach wasn't far from the store. 

Ruth loved the beach. It was one of the few places where she could feel connected with her dad. The few times she actually met her dad, Percy was there, too, so he got all of the attention. But when she was at the beach, it was like she was with him and there was no stupid brother getting everything she wanted. When she was at the beach, she was a little kid again and her father actually cared. As she stood in the sand, the water tickling her ankles as it moved in and out, she was suddenly five years old again. She'd just learned what she was, and she wasn't scared of it. Everything was okay, even if it rarely seemed like it. The beach was her home. It was the only home that mattered.

When they got to La Push, the weather seemed to drop ten degrees. Or twenty. Ruth wasn't good at estimations. All she knew was that she was grateful that she wore a sweater. Everyone was huddled together as Eric, Mike, Tyler, and Jessica slipped into surfing gear. Angela was wrapped up in a blanket, and Bella remained in the van with Angela. Ruth leaned against the van, wrapping her arms around herself. 

Ruth was staring off at the sea. A ghost of a smile was on her lips. Everything around her seemed to fade away. Nothing mattered anymore. It looked just as how she remembered it last. The water looked grey and dreary, even as the sun shined down on it. Only a thin strip of sand was visible, just at the water's edge. Large, smooth stones covered the remainder of the beach. A breeze wafted through the air. 

Angela took the blanket off herself, grabbing her camera, and wandered onto the beach. Ruth and Bella followed behind her, sensing that the girl had something she wanted to talk about. Angela took pictures of the beach, letting the frustration settle in her before she finally blew up.

"I keep thinking Eric's going  to ask me to prom," she blurted out, "but then he just... doesn't."

Ruth and Bella exchanged a glance.

"You could always ask him," Bella suggested.

Angela gave her a bewildered look, before moving to return to the van. 

"Yeah," Ruth agreed. "You're strong, independent woman. Take control!"

"I am?" 

Bella took a seat in the van as a voice shouted, "Bella? Hey!"

Every head swiveled to look at the source of the call. Bella smiled at one of the boys, ignoring the other two that walked with him.

"Guys, this is Jacob," Bella introduced. She smiled at him. "Are you stalking me?"

"You're on my rez, remember?" He laughed. He looked over to their friends, who were walking back to the van for a break. "You surfing?"

Bella all but scoffed. "Definitely not." 

Jessica, who just got to the van, smirked. "Ya know, you should keep her company. Her date bailed." 

Eric's head snapped towards Bella. His eyes were as wide as saucers. "Date? What date?"

"She invited Edward." 

"To be polite!" Bella defended herself. 

Angela's voice was small as she said, "I think it's nice she invited him. No one ever does."

"Yeah, 'cause Cullen's a freak," Mike scoffed, rolling his eyes. 

"You got that right," one of Jacob's friends said.

"You know them?" Ruth asked.

"The Cullens don't come here." The finality of his statement was clear--the topic was to be dropped. Jacob shot his friend a look. 

Bella pulled Jacob away from the crowd, taking him to look at the tide pools. Jessica rolled her eyes, bored, and went back to surfing. Mike, Tyler, and Eric followed close behind. Angela told Ruth she wanted to go take some more pictures, wandering off and leaving Ruth with the other two Quileutes. 

"I'm Ruth O'Connor," she said. 

Mr. The Cullens Don't Come Here nodded. "Aren't you the girl who ran away when she was seven?"

"Most people would introduce themselves." 

The other guy's mouth quirked up into a smirk. "I'm Embry," he said, "and this is Sam." 

"Well, tell me, Embry, is your friend always this dark and ominous? Or is he just in the mood today?" 

Embry snorted. "You're not bad, O'Connor. Not bad at all."

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