four | concussed and confused

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A week later, Edward Cullen had returned to school, his black eyes turned gold. It wasn't something that most people would pick up on, unless they paid enough attention. But Ruth was taught how to pay attention to the smallest of details. If she didn't, it could be a matter of life or death. Bella had noticed the difference, too. Ruth had realized her new friend was so observant, and she made a note to be more careful about her secret.

At the beginning of their third week at Forks High School, something was different. There was a layer of snow on the ground, but that wasn't what was odd. Ruth had a sort of sixth sense, and she could tell when something bad was going to happen. And her radar was going haywire that morning. She was on edge, and Bella had immediately taken notice of it.

As they pulled into their parking space, Bella asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Ruth murmured. "Just gotta bad feelin' about today."

Bella nodded as they both got out of the truck. Ruth walked over to Bella's side of the vehicle so they could walk into the school together when the most terrifying screech filled the air. Both girls looked up as a dark blue van came spiraling their way. Ruth shut her eyes. 

It happened too fast for anyone to react. Everyone except Edward Cullen. Though he was four cars away, and wouldn't be able to move that fast (if he was human ), he was beside the girls in a flash. Ruth had been knocked to the ground, her head hitting the pavement as he shielded Bella, who was going to take the blunt force of the hit.

When she finally had the courage to open her eyes, Ruth saw Edward crouching over Bella, his hand having stopped the van from hitting them. She silently thanked him, and he sent a nod her way. By then, the students surrounded the vehicles, ready to assess the damages.

Students were screaming their names, and it made Ruth's head hurt. She wanted to shut her eyes, but she knew she shouldn't. It was likely she had a concussion, and she wasn't stupid enough to go to sleep, no matter how much she wanted to. That didn't stop her ears from ringing, though. She was in pain, and she wanted nothing more than to be back at camp.

She heard Edward asking Bella if she was alright. She didn't hear Bella's answer. Through her blurred vision, she saw them staring at her.

"Are you okay?" Edward asked.

It was the first time she heard him speak. His voice was as melodic as Jasper's and Alice's. It was enough to lull her to sleep. 

"Mm," she hummed. "Head...hurts."

There was a flurry of activity around them. Ruth heard someone say they called an ambulance. She moved to sit up, but immediately regretted it. A wave of nausea hit, and she immediately laid back down. Then someone, she thought it was Alice, was in front of her, saying that it was going to be okay. Ruth figured it would be, but that didn't take the pain away.

It took six EMTs, Coach Clapp, and Mr. Varner to get Bella and Ruth out from between the two cars, and to get the kid who was driving out of his van. They lifted her onto a gurney, saying something about not shutting her eyes. If she was more aware of her surroundings, Ruth would've laughed.

At the hospital, a nurse was watching over Ruth. In the bed beside of her was Bella, and in the bed next to Bella was the kid driving the van. Apparently, his name was Tyler. Bella seemed to be more aware of what was happening, and was better able to talk and answer the nurse's questions. Ruth, on the other hand, had to stay lying down. She couldn't shake the feeling of nausea, and her neck hurt too much for her to be in any other position.

The nurses wheeled Ruth off to see the extent of the damage. She was right; it was a concussion. When they brought her back to the emergency room, Chief Swan was there, talking to Bella. Ruth had met Chief Swan once when she was hanging out at Bella's house after school. He was a quiet man, and mostly kept to himself. He was nice, though, and always seemed to care, even if he didn't always show it.

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