two | the cullens

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Forks High School was unlike any school Ruth had ever been to. Of course, she never actually attended a school before. She'd run away at the ripe age of seven, and her mom had her homeschooled. She'd only ever been to the classes at the camp she ended up at. She'd been taught by the best and brightest of her generation, of course, but the mere thought of going to a real school for the first time ever was a bit unnerving. 

It didn't help that it was the middle of the school year, either. She would've been able to blend in better if the year had just started. That's what she wanted to do. But, after that happened over the summer, she had to push her moving date back to winter. There was no doubt that she would be a fish out of water. 

She took the bus to the school, because she'd never learned how to drive. Jamie said she'd take her for her permit test soon, but Ruth was in no rush. She'd much rather be invested in her education than worry about the dangers of the road. 

When the bus pulled up to Forks High School, Ruth realized that the high school wasn't a singular building. It had several smaller buildings scattered about the property, looking more like a college campus than a high school. She, and the other non-driving students, were let off in front of the main building, indicated by a sign that read "Front Office". The other kids scattered about, moving to talk to their friends before the school day formally began. Ruth, on the other hand, ventured into the main building. 

The front office looked pretty standard. Or, at least, it looked like how she imagined a school office would be. Potted plants were scattered around orange-flecked folding chairs. The room was bright, and Ruth had to squint to see. She never realized how intense fluorescent lighting could be. A larger counter cut the room in half, and three desks were behind the counter. One of the desks was being manned by an older, red-haired lady.

The woman looked up as Ruth approached the desk. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"Um, yes, I'm a new student," Ruth said. "I'm Ruth-Anne O'Connor."

The door creaked open as the woman stared at her. Another girl was walking in, seeming as lost as Ruth felt. The woman's lip curled slightly, and Ruth knew exactly what it was about. Small towns were full of their prejudices, and homophobia was no exception. Ruth knew that few people accepted Jamie and Eden dating, but she never understood why it was anyone's business.

"Of course," the woman sneered, typing something into the computer. The printer whirred as a series of papers came out. She began highlighting something on one of the papers. "This is your schedule and a map of the school. I've highlighted the best routes to your classes so you won't get lost." Something in her eyes told Ruth that she wished the new girl would get lost. Then she reached into a pile of papers and pulled something else out. "You need your teachers to sign this and bring it back at the end of the day."

Ruth took the papers from the lady, who was careful not to touch Ruth. It took everything in her to not scoff and go off on the woman that homosexuality isn't a bad thing and it's certainly not something you can catch like the flu. But she smiled her sweetest smile and said, "Thank you. Have a great day."

Ruth walked by the girl who'd just come in. She was tall and pale, and looked deeply uncomfortable. Ruth gave her a small smile before leaving homophobic office. She hoped the rest of the school didn't act like this.

She went back to the parking lot, seeing that more students were starting to arrive. She looked around anxiously, wondering who'd end up being her friends, who'd end up being her enemies. Then, she heard someone behind her say, "Hey, you're new here, right?"

The pale girl from the office was talking to her. Ruth nodded slowly. "So am I. I was just thinking that new kids should stick together, right?"

Ruth smiled. "Yeah, I suppose so. I'm Ruth O'Connor."

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