“George, are you trying to make me deaf? But I missed you too!” I laughed.

“Oops sorry! I’m just so excited that your back and now we can party,” She started dancing.

I eventually made my way around the circle, talking to everyone, thanking them for coming and accepting their gifts. I put the presents on a table in the corner; it looked like a massive pyramid. I talked to Grandma and Grandpa for ages, catching up on about a year and a half not seeing each other, that’s including the nine months they spent travelling around Europe. Grandpa ended up walking off and talking to Mum because I think Granny wanted some ‘girl time’.

“I didn’t even know you were pregnant?” Grandma whispered.

“Yeah, not many people knew. I didn’t really want to advertise to the world. But I am engaged too” I replied, holding up my hand to show her the ring.

“Oh wow! That is so gorgeous.” She handed me an extremely massive box. “I wanted to get you something special as well as something useful because I know it has been a long time since I came bearing gifts.”

“Thank you but you really didn’t have to,” I smiled.

“But I wanted to.” She defended.

I gave her a big hug and placed the smaller gift on the present table but I didn’t attempt to lift the other one; that was Tom’s job.

I made my way around and stopped to talk to Beth, Layla and Steph. Although, I didn’t have many friends before, these girls stuck by me when they found out and have been really supportive so I am glad they were invited.

The food was amazing. Every possible fatty food was on that table from sausages and party pies to chocolate truffles and pink cupcake but luckily there was healthy food as well and that’s what I ate. That included the fruit platter, quiches, orange and poppy seed muffins (which are my favourite), spinach and ricotta triangle and sandwiches.

Mum really did go to a lot of effort for me and once everyone was gone, I would tell her, how much I love her. After about two hours of sitting around talking, eating and listening to music, Mum brought out a cake. It was a basic square vanilla cake with vanilla frost icing and edible pictures of teddy bears and number blocks on top with the words ‘Matilda Elise’ written in purple.

Tom stood next to me and the cake was placed in front of us, then Mum handed me a knife. I put the tip into the cake and grabbed Tom’s hand and put it on top of mine, which was clutched around the handle. We pushed the knife through the centre of the cake together and everyone cheered. We let go and Tom wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my lips while everyone continued to squeal.

After everyone ate Mum’s delicious cake, she spent all day making; it was time to open all my presents before everyone went home because it was getting late.

From Grandma and Grandpa, they bought me a Baby Bouncer and a voucher for Pixie Photos. Grandma said, so we can get proper family photos taken. Isn’t she cute?

Beth, Layla and Steph got me a combined present of 120 nappies and that’s exactly what I needed.

Noah and Alice also brought a massive box and inside was a baby walker. Noah thought it would be funny for Matilda to be running around at a very young age.

Michelle, Ben and Ruby got us a nappy carry bag which had bibs, cotton buds, baby powder and lots of other stuff jam packed into the bag.

Georgia and Lincoln handed me a doll, which had a squishy body and a hard head. She has a white jumpsuit on and a tag flapping from her body, displaying her name was Angel.

Aunty Lindsay, Uncle Andrew and the kids also gave us a big box that contained a baby bath. Something Tom and I didn’t think of.

By 6pm everyone had left our house except for Georgia and Lincoln. We were all in the lounge room including Mum. They wanted to know about our holiday and what we did. It took forever to explain everything we did and Tom took the camera out of the bag to show them the pictures. Mum told me she knew about us going to Bondi and Tom told her that we are going to continue our tradition when Mati is born.

We took everything we bought out of our bags, to show them and Mum and Georgia both thought the things we bought from the Zoo and Aquarium were cute.

Georgia and I organised to get all my pictures printed the next day and we were going to go out to lunch and have a girl’s day seen as though we haven’t done that in a while.

When everyone finally left I was extremely exhausted. Although I had a sleep in the car, I was still tired and I felt sorry for Tom, after having to drive back from Sydney. Before Mum went to bed, I met her in the hallway and gave her a massive hug.

“Thank you… for everything!” I kissed her cheek.

“Anytime. I’m glad you had fun!”

“The last four days have just been amazing. Alright, I am off to bed. Night Mum!” I squeezed her one more time.

Mum walked off to her room and I walked off to mine, meeting Tom in bed and cuddling into his waiting arms.

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