Planning ahead

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Time flew by and before I knew it I was 15 weeks and 5 days. Lucky it was the middle of winter, so I could get away with wearing big jumpers and no one would even know what was under there.

Tom and I were growing closer and closer every minute and he eventually convinced me to be excited. But I think he was forgetting just how young we really are. We are only 16 years old and in year 11. We both had part time jobs and a savings account with lots of money in each so at least we could financially support this baby.

My birthday happens to fall on when I am 24 weeks pregnant so I will hopefully have my p’s by the time the baby is born, same with Tom. It seemed like everything was going to be okay.

Over the last few weeks, Tom has spent a lot of time at my house discussing with my parents, what will happen once the baby is born. Mum didn’t mind what I did, just as long as I promised her I would continue school, finish year 12 and get my HSC.

Mum only works 4 day a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday) so she agreed to look after the baby on the days she had off. All I had to do was find someone that was free on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

One afternoon I dropped by Alice and Noah’s house. Yes, Noah finally moved in with her.

Knock, Knock, Knock. I bashed on the front door.

Alice answered the door.

"Hey Bon, come on in!"

"Thank you," I replied.

"What’s up? I haven’t seen you in a while," She frowned.

I gave her a hug. "Yeah, I’m sorry. I have been busy with school and work and…" I let my head drop forward so I was looking at my stomach.

"Ya getting big. I’m gonna have to start calling you chubba soon," Alice laughed.

"Oh, thanks!" I said sarcastically. "No, I am here because I have to ask you and Noah something. Is he around?" I asked.

"He just went down the street, he should be back soon though," She looked at me concerned.

"That’s cool, well do you and Noah work or do anything on a Tuesday or Wednesday?" I asked.

"I don’t do anything but Noah works on Wednesday’s, why?"

"I was wondering, if you could do me a massive favour, on each day."

"Depends on what it is," Alice questioned.

"When I have the baby, I need a baby sitter on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s! Could you possibly do that for me?" I said biting my lip.

"Of course, I would love too. Gives us practice for when we have our own kids," She winked.

"Thank you so much," I replied with a big grin on my face.

"But how come you need a baby sitter, what are you doing?"

"I am going back to school and going to finish my HSC,"

"Good on you," Alice applauded. "You are so brave, you know that?"

"No, I didn’t."

"You’re braver than I am. I am just surprised you are going back to school," She was quite shocked.

"Well, Mum told me I have to go back to school and she would look after the baby the days she had off."

"I am very proud of you, Bronte!"

"Aw, I love you Alice," I got up and hugged her.

She drove me home and Mum asked her the stay for dinner. Alice rang Noah to invite him as well. That was the first time in a while Tom hadn’t been over for dinner. It felt kind of weird.

The next day was Friday. It went so slow. At lunch and recess, I snuggled into Tom chest and lied down on the ground, which was a really bad idea, seen as though I couldn’t get up. At school, I continued to wear big clothes because I wasn’t ready for everyone to find out yet.

Tomorrow was my 16 weeks ultrasound and we could find out the sex of the baby. Tom was sleeping over tonight. He said he had something special planned before the scan.

That night, Mum said he had to sleep in the spare room but I didn’t want him away from me. When Mum and Dad went into their room and shut the door behind them, Tom tip-toed across the floor boards and into my room. I was already snuggled in my bed just waiting for him to jump in.

I was propped up on elbows with a grin on my face.

"Hey babe," He whispered as he crawled under the covers.

"Hey," I replied giving him a peak on the lips.

He was wearing the cutest pyjamas I have ever seen, long pants and a flannelette shirt with monkeys on them. All I was wearing was a pair of grey track pants and a tight stripy t-shirt. With this shirt on, my bulge was very noticeable.

I lied down on my back while he clung to my side. He had one hand around my back, hugging me and the other just sitting on top of my stomach.

"We still haven’t decided, if we are going to find out the sex of the baby or not tomorrow," He wondered.

"Well, I want to but if you don’t, it’s up to you," I told him.

"I don’t mind. So I guess we are going to find out it’s a boy," He winked.

"I’ve already told you, it’s a girl," I giggled.

"Haha, well I guess we will find out tomorrow!"

"Tom, what do you have planned tomorrow?" I asked.


I got grumpy after that. He knows I hate surprises. I let the conversation die. I was thinking about what it could be when suddenly my thoughts were interrupted with Tom’s snoring. His hand hadn’t moved from my stomach so I guess I was sleeping like this tonight. He was probably waiting to feel the baby move. I'm sure we wanted to be the first one since I told him it could be anytime as of 14 weeks. I kissed his forehead and eventually, I feel asleep.

I woke up in same position except Tom wasn’t next to me. I could smell the scent of bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen. I didn’t feel like getting out of bed yet so I lied there thinking about the day ahead, then Tom walks in holding a tray. The tray contained two bowls of scrambled eggs, four bacon rashers, two slices of toast and two glasses of orange juice.

"Breakfast in bed for my gorgeous girlfriend," He announced.

He really is the perfect boyfriend, isn’t he?

"Aw, babe. Thank you," I said and then kissed him on the lips.

We ate breakfast in silence. When we were both finished, Tom packed up the dishes and started to walk towards the kitchen. Before he walked out of my bedroom door;

"Tom," I called.

He spun around on his heel.

"Thank you," I said blowing him a kiss.

He had no free hands, so he walked over to my bed, placed the tray on my mattress and crouched down to my level. He wrapped his arms around my waist just as I linked my hands around his neck and gave me a kiss, PASSIONATELY!

This must be my lucky day.

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