Caught on Camera

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Requested by AndreaBaier

I picked up my camera out of my tote bag and flipped it open, clicking its red button absentmindedly to start taping. I swung the camera lens at Damien, the mayor. He gave a nice cheeky smile towards the camera and I giggled.

"This is something you YouTubers love to do, huh?" he asked, shaking his head and I nodded.
"For a job, yeah... " I countered and he chuckled. Grabbing his staff, he decided we should take a walk around town.

Damien and I have been best friends since highschool. He always was into politics, but when he told me he won the position of a mayor, I was absolutely amazed. I felt so happy for him, but afraid he may be to busy for me as well. He promised me that our friendship will always stay the way it is and he surely kept his promise like the honorable man he is.

We walked down the streets of the quiet swell town that resides under his power, I admit that he is very good at what he does, considering every problem the town runs into pretty swiftly and no one hardly has any complaints about him. Every where I go with him, people smile in excitement and adoration.

I felt good to be his friend and walk by his side, but secretly, I always wanted to be more than that.

"Hello, you wonderful people out there! Hi!  I'm actually walking with Damien, the mayor!  So girls eat your heart out because I'm by his side! " I laughed into the camera and Damien just chuckled and shook his head. I asked him a few questions in the form of an interview, sort of like Vogue's 73 questions video.

"So do you feel being mayor of this town is hard or easy? " I asked and aimed the camera at him.

"Well... " he started, I zoomed in on his face getting a nice portrait.
I was amazed at how well the camera lens captured his handsome features as the aim focused on him.

The way he bit his bottom lip softly, letting it slip from his teeth as his brown eyes scanned the environment around him made me shiver.
"I say it's fairly nice, can be very stressful, but all jobs has it's downside.. You know? " he replied with a soft smirk.

I nodded keeping my eyes on his pink lips. They enticed me in every way possible.

My insides shivered when I caught him licking them, his wet tongue darting out to thinly coat his soft bottom lip with saliva.
Mmh~ I've gotta stop fantasizing abot him!!
I thought to myself, frustrated.

"One of my fans asked, 'Will you ever find love, if so... What is your type of girl??' "I read off of my twitter and he gave a thoughtful look.

"I have considered finding love, I have just been a bit too busy for it, you know? " he replied shamefully. It must suck to have such a responsibility at such a young age to where he can't even find time to date.

"-but I have landed my eyes on a girl I found attractive in more ways than one and-" he continued then slightly glanced at me and my stomach flipped.
"-I'm just trying to figure out how to get on that subject with her. " he said as he averted his eyes to the ground.

I blushed. Stop!  He may not even be talking about me...
I thought in my head and cleared my throat.

"Okay. Thanks,  Damien-er Mayor Damien,  for your time. I bet there's a lot of happy fans out there now! " I giggled and he nodded with a smile.
I sat my camera down on a nearby bench and looked at Damien. He was looking over a short wall, gazing down on the view of the town below. It was a nice sunset going on at the moment, making him appear to be even more serene and peaceful.

"So-Damien? " I asked, a knot forming in my throat.
He turned to me, giving his attention.
"W-who was that girl- you spoke of? " I stuttered very nervously.
He scoffed and gave me a sly smirk.
"Why do ya wanna know? " he chuckled and I just giggled, scratching the back of my neck.

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