How all of the 5SOS bullshit began......

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First of all, this is just a theory and my opinion! I'm not saying that this is what actually happened or anything 😅💜

• Bryana basically started and caused all of the bullshit that's now in the fam.

• The story of how Mystal met is that they met through Spencer at Bali as Spencer and the boys were mutual friends and Spencer was actually the one who invited the boys to Bali in the first place, but that sounds like complete bullshit to me as before Bali I'd never even heard of Spencer before or seen him anywhere or anything and there's literally no proof of the boys and Spencer ever knowing each other before Bali and plus, Spencer wasn't even at Bali? So why tf would he invite them if he wasn't even going himself!? I think that this story is just a cover up for the actual real story so Mystal actually seems real and legit and also because nobody can know the truth.

• As we all know in 2015 before Bali, Bryana dated Ashton.

• Bryana and Crystal are good friends and have been for years and they both had a thing with Jack Barakat at one time as Crystal was the one who introduced Bry to Jack.

• So, in 2015, Crystal/whitelabel was in need of a new client that was really big and famous and at the time, her BFF Bryana just so happened to be dating one of the members of probably the biggest band today.

• 5SOS then became a very easy target for Crystal, but she needed a way to meet the boys and get to know them better, specifically Mikey. Crystal didn't actually want Mikey originally though but unfortunately for her the other 3 boys were already taken at the time so she had no choice. So Crystal came up with the Bali trip. The trip was the perfect opportunity for her to meet Mikey and basically lure him into her trap and make him her next victim/client and she could also use the trip to do more promo as an added bonus. The whole entire Bali trip was literally just for promo lmao.

• Crystal got Bryana to help her and invite the boys to the Bali trip for her as at the time, the boys literally didn't know anyone else there at all (except for Pete but please read further down for that) so if Bry didn't invite them then who tf did!? It certainly wasn't Spencer like we've been told 😂 Crystal probably told Bry that she could also use the trip to break up with Ash so there was also something in it for her (see the next bullet point). Arz and Nia (literally the only member of HV that was there btw, definitely not suspicious at all lmao!) were also invited as it would mean more publicity for Larzaylea and Nalum as that was still a big thing at the time but also just so things wouldn't look weird.

• Brashton was due to break up but they just needed the right time and place to do it, and what better place than the Bali trip which was gunna be completely publicised and specifically for promo? 😂

• Crystal invited some of her friends including Brian and Roy so the trip would seem as normal as possible and also so the boys wouldn't be the only guys on the trip as that would look a bit weird and suspicious. That's also how the boys became friends with Brian, Roy, Bohnes etc. We all know how Crystal (and the fakes) love/loves to always invite random ass people wherever she goes anyway though and then the random ass people invite even more random ass people etc! Plus she knew that it couldn't just be the boys, the GFs and herself as the fandom would get suspicious of who tf she is and what tf was going on! But if there was other random people there with them then the fandom wouldn't get as suspicious (which did actually work as nobody got that suspicious as to who she was and why she was on vacation with the boys because there was a few other random people there with them as well so everyone just presumed that the boys were just on vacation with some friends).

• Crystal also invited Pete Wentz and Megan so somebody that the boys actually already knew apart from Arz, Nia and Bryana would also be there and again, so it wouldn't look weird or suspicious as the boys going on a trip with just their 'GFs' and a bunch of random ass people could also be seen as very weird and suspicious! Crystal needed this trip to seem as normal as possible.

• Pete has always been closer to one 5SOS member in particular though, and which member is that? Michael. That's why Crystal specifically invited Pete. I remember thinking that it was really weird and completely random that Pete was also there with them.

• Despite Spencer not going to Bali Crystal still used him as kind of like a cover up for herself and Mikey? So she could hang around with Mikey as much as she wanted without anyone getting suspicious of anything as everyone would just be like 'Oh it's okay she's already got a boyfriend' and that actually worked, nobody suspected anything for ages because she was with Spencer.

• In interviews before the Bali trip, the boys said that they were going on a trip together, but they said that it was just them four going on the trip, but it obviously wasn't just them four. I think Bry lied to the boys and told them that the trip was just for them, herself, Arz and Nia and she probably also said something like 'and a couple friends of mine' meaning Crystal and Spencer. She probably didn't tell them about all the other people that were going. The boys also never mentioned their 'GFs' in any interviews or anything anyway so they told everyone that it was just them four going on a trip together. Bryana most likely also told them that Pete was going to kind of like bribe them I guess and persuade them to definitely go as they might not have gone otherwise.

• Brashton broke up at Bali and after that Bry's job was pretty much done so there was no need for her to stay at Bali and she probably had other stuff to do anyway, so she left early, plus she probably knew that leaving early would cause some Brashton drama (which it did) and more drama means more promo.

• So obviously as we all know, after Bali Crystal and Spencer broke up and Mystal pretty much began aka, Mikey officially became her next victim/client and Crystal went on tour with the boys and Arz etc. Basically, her plan worked.

• But along with Crystal came all of the other fakes and people that the boys hang around with now, recently including Sierra. Everyone that hangs around the boys now are all friends with Crystal and were friends with Crystal before them. Crystal introduced all of her friends/the fakes to the boys (although a few of the ones that Ash hangs around with came with Bryana) and unfortunately they probably won't go away until Crystal does. None of them really care about the boys either, they only care about the attention and the fame.

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