Larzaylea will end very very soon......

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• Well it looks like I was right about Larzaylea mirroring Brashton! Arz has gone to spend this Christmas with Luke just like Bryanna went to spend last Christmas with Ashton! So don't worry guys! They're going to end very very soon! Most likely in January just like Brashton! It maybe hard to deal with the fact that Arz is gunna be around Luke and his family and stuff for a few weeks now but we're strong! We can get through this! Just remember that this has to happen so they can finally end once and for all! 💜❤️💜❤️

• Oh and not to mention that there's HQ pics of Larzaylea in the airport with their luggage just like there were HQ pics of Brashton at the airport with their luggage last year! 😏😏😏😏 Honestly management sucks balls when it comes to publicity stunts! And just everything really! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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