Luke, Alcohol, Partying and Anxiety.

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I honestly think that Luke is starting to become addicted to alcohol and drinking just like Ash and that really worries me! In fact it worries me even more because Luke drinks because of his Anxiety and to get away from the crowds and stuff which could actually make it a lot worse! I mean the reason for drinking doesn't really matter coz either way you can still become addicted but I just feel like it can be a lot worse when the reason is Anxiety (and the people you hang around). My aunt drank because of her anxiety and to escape the crowds just like Luke and she became addicted! My parents wouldn't even let me hang around her for a while because of it like she was literally an alcoholic and it was all because of her Anxiety and she chose alcohol as an escape! For my aunt it took finding someone for her to get better, I mean she still drinks and stuff now but she's definitely not as bad as she used to be and I can finally hang out with her now! She kind of changed her ways when she met her ex husband (she kind of cheated on him and got pregnant with another guys baby but that's another story lmao) she became a lot better after she met him and got married and stuff but she still wasn't exactly 100%, but then last year she got pregnant with her baby girl Maisie and that's when she really had to change because obviously drinking while pregnant isn't the best idea! She still does drink now but like I've said, she definitely isn't as bad as she used to be and she's honestly become like an older sister to me now! To me she's living proof that it is possible to get better, it just takes time and also the right people to help you along the way. Unfortunately Luke hasn't found someone yet and he definitely hasn't got the right people to help him! Even Ash can't help him coz he's struggling with own addiction and it's really fucking sad tbh! 😕😕 Although my aunt can also kind of relate to that as her dad (my grandad) is a major alcoholic and he's waaaay worse than my aunt and even Luke and Ash etc! Alcohol is the only thing that my grandad drinks now like he doesn't even drink water! He just drinks a shit ton of alcohol all day every day and it's literally all he cares about! And he's literally said himself that he doesn't give a shit if it kills him! His girlfriend doesn't even care either! It's really fucking sad and I think he's being really selfish but hey 🤷‍♀️ So he couldn't help my aunt at all and my aunts mum also drinks (although definitely not as bad but still) so she couldn't help either and my aunt also had a lot of fake friends (just like Luke!) but luckily my aunt does actually have some caring and loving siblings that have helped her. Despite not being famous like Luke, my aunt is still quite a good comparison for me.

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