Why I don't trust Sierra Deaton.

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Why I don't trust Sierra Deaton:

She just suddenly appeared outta nowhere and was immediately like best friends with the boys and is literally always with them! Every single time she hangs out with the boys, Luke especially, she ALWAYS just feels the need to film them or take photos to show that she's with them and stuff!Luke was literally trying to be seen in her IG story that one time were they were at some cafe or something and I'm sorry but when does Luke ever try to be seen unless he's being dorky with the other boys!? 😒😒😒😒 I also feel like she originally planned on using Ashton first hence why she was first seen with him but Ashton being smart and wanting absolutely nothing to do with the fakes and stuff just wasn't interested so she just moved on to Luke instead.She's liked pretty much every single one of Ash's IG posts since around April/May I think? Which is when she first appeared and was connected with the boys and stuff coz she was seen with Ash! And she's liked almost every single one of Luke's IG posts since around May/June I think which is when she also started to be seen with Luke and the other boys! And I'm sorry but nobody like practically every single one of their friends posts! Not even best friends! Only fans, stalkers and people wanting attention do that! 😒😂She's like best friends with the promo/publicity queen herself (Crystal) and the fake squad and anyone related to them cannot be trusted AT ALL. She very randomly went to Japan with Crystal when the boys were there when she had absolutely no reason to go there with her at all! Apart from being seen there so people will talk about her and she'll get attention!Sierra and Alex have just suddenly 'broken up' despite being absolutely in love and together for like 6 years or so! I honestly think that they still love each other and that they'll get back together eventually! They're soulmates and you can just tell that they still love each other! So it's a bit weird for them to just all of a sudden break up right when she's started hanging out and being involved with 5SOS and stuff! Or at least for it to be announced then.Also, unfortunately Sierra is like the most private musician ever so really the only way she can get attention/pr/publicity is by subtly using famous people like 5SOS.I honestly don't think that the boys even like her or like hanging out with her as much as they want us to think! Coz like when Ash was first spotted with her he looked absolutely bored as fuck! And the other day when Sierra posted that selfie on her IG story and you can see Luke in the reflection of her sunglasses (Which I'm pretty sure she did on purpose so we all knew that she was with him again!), they're both just on their phones! Or Sierra is anyway and I'm sorry but you don't do that when you're out with someone unless you're BOTH taking selfies TOGETHER or you're just bored AF! 😂 This one is a bit hard to explain but she's incredibly sickeningly sweet! Like she's just a bit too sweet if you know what I mean? I don't trust that at all! Something's not right there! She's has pretty much the same management as the boysSierra has been seen out with Ash and with Luke by paps and that usually never happens when the boys are out with their friends! And paps ALWAYS have to be planned in advance because someone from management has to tell the boss of the paps or whatever the date, time and location etc of the celebrity/celebrities and then the pap boss (lmao 😂😂) then has to go and tell the paps all the info! So 🤷‍♀️I just don't trust her at all and I feel like she's just using the boys for attention and pr/publicity and the boys are just going along with it coz they're just used to it all now! But they could also still be friends! But they just might not be as close as they all want us to think! Something very fishy is definitely going on though and idk how to feel about it...........................

Either way, Luke and Sierra are NOT dating and they never will date! Sierra has specifically said like a million times that she's not interested in dating anyone rn and that she won't be for a long time! Her and Alex are soulmates anyway so she'll probably get back together with him eventually! And Luke is definitely not interested in her in that way like at all! He only sees her as a friend and I'm pretty sure that he's not interested in dating anyone and won't be for quite a while either after Arz and all of that bullshit!

Also, ASHTON took those photos of Luke that Luke just recently posted! Ash and Luke literally went hiking together and Luke was wearing those exact clothes! They were taken on the same day that he posted about where the angels were on his snapchat! Plus, if Sierra took them then Luke would have tagged her and gave her credit! The boys never give credit when each other has taken the photos unless they're gunna potentially be used for official band stuff like Ash's photos from the festival tour.

I hate it when people just presume shit without actually looking into things first! 😒😒😒😒Start writing your story

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