Chapter 18 - End?

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(Bruce Pov)

"The blood stops here" Adam whispered I opened the door...

Adam rushed past me "w-what the hell!" Jerome shouted shock I felt my food wanting to come up...

"Ty!" Adam shouted he ran to the table to find Ty's body...

"T-Ty!?" I gasped we all ran over finding Ty lying there...

the smell was getting to much for me... the guts were all over the walls... it looked fresh...

we all stopped hearing a chuckle from outside the door... "Get under the table!" I hissed

we all got under... Adam seemed like he was ready to destroy whoever it was outside...

the door opened to find a girl with short hair... she was covered in gore...

"Ok Ty Lox I'm going to help you to get better" she giggled my eyes got wider as she pulled out a sharp scalpel

Jerome kept a hold of Adam... she was standing by the table now, Jerome groaned in pain by Adam who bit him,

Adam pushed the girl down "you're the person who took my Ty!" Adam shouted taking her scalpel.

"w-wait!" she gasped but it was too late... Adam started stabbing her over and over...

I turned away "m-my god" Jerome whispered we both heard Adam laughing

"die" he whispered... he turn his head to us... his smile was not the same anymore...

"G-Guys w-why don't we just go see Ty again" he whispered

I pushed Jerome out of under the table "Run!" I gasped

Jerome got up as fast as he can "A-Adam let's talk about this!" I begged

Adam ran over to Jerome and pulled him down with him.

I got out under the table pushing Adam off.

"STOP!" I shouted I was holding his arms away from anything.

The door opened again to see Mitch out of breath...

my eyes went wide, everything around me froze as I saw my little Seto who was bleeding... "NO!" I shouted

(Adam Pov)

Bruce got off me and ran over to Mitch who was holding a injured Seto...

Mitch dropped to the ground stilling holding Seto...

Seto left eye was gone... his cheek was cut... his body had so many cuts...

"Seto please talk" Bruce begged "B-Bruce" Seto whispered

"I l-l-love y-you" Seto whispered as tears ran down his cheeks, he eyes closed...

"S-Seto?" Bruce voice broke... I looked to my side to see Bruce had drop the scalpel... I grabbed it and got up...

"g-guys" I mumbled Jerome and Mitch looked at me...

Bruce took Seto off Mitch and sat there embracing him... "y-you have to kill me... I c-can't be trusted" I whispered they all had wide eyes...

"w-we can't" Jerome shuttered out... "I don't trust myself! Even if we get out of here I can't go back to our life like nothing happened!" I shouted tears were coming down my cheeks...

"I don't care anymore" Bruce whispered "we're leaving and we're finding a way out now!" Bruce ordered he got up holding Seto still... "y-you c-can't just leave me" I said shock... "I don't care, Adam your the one who got my Seto my life, my everything dead!" Bruce shouted his eyes was full of hatred...

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