Chapter 7 - New people...

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(Mitch Pov)

I walked slowly holding Jerome in my arms... tears running down my cheeks

"d-don't you worry, I'm going to see you again" I whispered giving a small frown

I kept walking down the halls t-there must be something... anything... I looked down at Jerome's face his eyes were opened lifeless...

"I know y-you're joking around... y-your still alive ain't you?" I whispered wanting to believe in what I said.

I found myself outside the Nurse office

"I'm going to fix you up Biggums" I said putting him on the bed I looked around finding a dirty towel with blood on it... it looked flesh...

"J-Jerome it seems like someone been here" I said then I remembered... Jerome couldn't hear me...

"I c-can't fix this can't I Jerome..." I sobbed out I sat on the bed holding the bottle,

"t-this can't be happening..." I whispered. I felt so hopeless, I didn't know what to do. I kept looking at Jerome

"I'm the worst friend" I told myself letting the tears run down my cheeks...

"If I was fearless I could have ran... you didn't have to come back for me" I whispered.

I was alone... "Biggums I won't leave you" I said lying next to him I grabbed his cold hand

"we'll stay together" I said squeezing him...

(Jerome Pov)

I pounded hard on the glass "Mitch I'm here!" I yelled I could see how upset Mitch was my head was hurting

"Mitch!" I yelled

why he can't hear me!? I kept hearing children laughing

"Let me be with Mitch!" I begged I was getting angry "why are you doing this!" I questioned.

"Can't you see? Mitch is weak the murderer found out that... they know that he can't hope knowing that he's alone... and to make it better they wanted them to find you dead!" Tyler giggled out

"wait I'm dead!" I shouted surprise

"no, they made someone look like you, your just stuck until they know what they want to do with you" Tyler said grinning

"w-why don't you bring me back to him" I pleaded

"hey think about this... you can see whoever you want... it's just that they can't see you" Tyler chuckled dose Tyler think this is a joke!?

I looked down I can see everyone... see if they ok! But Mitch... it seems like he is not going to leave that bed... I looked down

"how's Adam doing?" I asked

I looked back up to see Adam and Ty holding hands it seems like Adam was injured...

I looked closer to see his neck was red w-what happened to him...

"Bring me to Seto" I looked back to see Seto and Bruce and a girl together I gasped Seto's check was wrapped up but it seems like that the blood is covered in it... they all ok... but Mitch... 

(Mitch Pov)

I could hear people talking outside the door "don't worry Ross your arm is going to be ok" a boy voice said

I got up from where I was, looking down I was covered in blood t-they may think that I murdered Jerome!

I was getting anxious I felt more tears run down my cheeks they opened the door to see me with Jerome's body...

"Wooha who are you?" the guy who has red hair and a necklace on questioned me

"w-what happened to you?" the boy next to him asked his arm looked bad...

"m-my friend" I whispered looking down "I heard them gasped

"what happened to him!" they both asked alarmed "h-he... he saved me" I whispered I wanted to cry I felt arms hug me...

"Don't be sad t-they died as a hero" the guy with red hair said I looked down

"my name is Max and this is my friend Ross" he said patting me on the back.

"My name is Mitch... h-he's Jerome" I whispered Ross sat on the other bed

"is there anything in here?" Ross asked looking around I shook my head as a no...

Ross sigh "Max can you rip something to wrap my arm up?" Ross asked

I looked at Jerome I heard Max rip something but I didn't care, my brain wouldn't let me believe that Jerome was gone...

"Done, hey are you alone?" Max questioned me I said nothing,

am I alone?

"I c-can't leave Jerome..." I said looking back at them I wiped my tears away...

they both gave me a look of sorrow...

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