Chapter 9 - The Charm

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(Warning in this chapter)

(Adam Pov)

I kept going Ty was light like always...

I sigh Ty kept groaning in pain from the cut, "w-where did you get that lighter from?" I questioned

"I keep things with me for backup I had it before I came to this hell whole" he replied I nodded

"d-do you know how we got here?" I asked hoping for him to know

"yes" he whispered looking down

"r-really!" I asked surprise Corey nodded

"let's talk In the nurse office" he said I nodded following him

when we got in the room I put Ty on the bed and sat his head on my lap and so he could hold my hand and know that I was still here with him.

"I know how we got here but I do not know why we are here" Corey said he sat down on the other bed looking at me

"ok but how did we get here then?" I asked, I watched as Corey looked down...

"Let me start by the beginning" he replied...

(Corey Pov)

I observed Tyler and Kathryn who were on a laptop

"guys what you doing" I asked Tyler gave me a playful smirk

"I'm making a charm" he said grinning I nodded but I still didn't get what they mean

"just don't do anything disturbing ok?" I said

the bell went meaning it was home time! Kathryn jumped up and ran out the classroom I laughed how she love home time,

I looked back at Tyler seeing him still on the laptop

"Tyler it's time to go" I hummed trying to make him laugh

"ok I'll see you tomorrow" Tyler said not looking at me

"nerd" I whispered walking away.

(Corey Pov)

The next morning came and Tyler looked as he didn't slept

"you ok?" I asked he nodded and gave me a fake smile

"I'm fine" he answered...

I watched as the day went on Tyler seemed like he wasn't Tyler... I got nervous

I walked up to Tyler "how's the charm?" I asked he didn't speak

"Tyler?" I asked worried he smiled at me

"what charm?" he said looking down

"you're bad at lying" I said giving a playful punch he didn't even laugh

"what's wrong?" I asked he didn't speak again...

I kept an eye on him even when he went home I made sure that his sister kept an eye on him for me but the next day I woke up seeing a text...

Emily: Hey Tyler is going to do the charm with me and him and some of my friends :P by the way he's ok

that was last night but when I got to school I didn't see them both of them at the end of the day I went to his house and knocked, their Mom came to the door

"may I help you?" she asked

"ya do you know where Tyler and Emily is?" I asked she didn't speak

"no they didn't come home" she said concerned.

What happened to them?

When I left, I went on my laptop logging into Tyler's login I looked for the charm that he talked about, he had a saved website already so I clicked on it.

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