Chapter 11 - Alone...

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(Adam Pov)

"Something inside me told me that I was going to die... I know I should be scared but am not, I'm with my best friend and he cares about me, I know we'll make it out together he promise me that we'll go Burger king together... but I still hear the children gigging. I didn't want to die without making a note if I die how Adam would feel... how my friends will feel... I'm scared and Adam doesn't even know that I'm going to die... I wanted to say something but I didn't... if I die in this school I want someone to tell Adam for me that I loved him... I have liked him when we first met... my name is Ty Lox and my classroom is 3A, I hope I can see my Mom where am going... and Adam if you're reading this... Don't lose hope I'm watching over you... I love you and the guys Mitch... Jerome... Bruce... even Seto... your all my family and I love all of you into bits..."

I felt myself sobbing T-Ty when did you made this note...

I felt Corey rub my back "h-he knows that he was going to die" I whispered

"he's watching over you" Corey said I looked at Ty and grabbed the paper doll from my pocket...

"we'll be friends forever and I won't ever forget you" I whispered

I picked him up he didn't like it in the nurse office... we both walked out of the door I put Ty's body outside on the ground

I felt myself wanting to cry... my crush... my best friend... he's gone... I stayed there for a long time...

I got up and gave a miserable smile

"I love you Ty and when I get out of here I'm going to make sure you will be remembered..." I kissed him on the head and wiped my tears away...

(Seto Pov)

I was holding Bruce's hand Jess was beside me "so what now?" she questioned

"we're looking for our friends" Bruce said I looked around buckets of red and yellow glue or something...

I groaned I still needed to go... I looked at Bruce to see him looking at me concerned

"I have to go" I told him not wanting Jess to hear Bruce nodded

"this looks so gross" Jess said looking into a bucket I took a peek but it just made me want to pee more!

"It looks like pee" Jess said turning away

Bruce looked at me "you can do that as well?" he jested I didn't know what to say to that!

I punched him on the arm "No!" I hissed he chuckled at how I was acting

"l-let's just hope there's an outside..." I whispered we kept walking passing more bodies they all looked the same to me now...

"h-hey what's that?" Jess said looking at the end of the hall

we saw two people they were staring at us, just one of them waved

"Corey is that you?!" a girl voice shouted they walked a bit closer to us

"we don't know a Corey sorry!" Bruce yelled both of the girls stopped walking "w-who are you?" the other girl asked, one was limping

"I'm Bruce and this is Seto and the girl is Jess" Bruce shouted over they both walked closer to us

"my name is Jessie and this is Morgan" the girl who had a creeper hoodie said she was the one who was limping,

"are you ok?" I asked a bit worried "it's nothing I just fell over" she said giving a small smile

Morgan looked a bit nervous "so you lost your friend?" Jess asked

I looked at Jess and the other Jessie??? This is just getting hard with names... but Jess looked a bit smaller then Jessie... maybe I could call them big and small Jess...

I chuckled at my joke

they all looked at me.

(Bruce Pov)

"What so funny?" Morgan asked looking at Seto

"o-oh nothing" he beamed "i-is there anything down this hall?" I asked Jessie looked at me

"there's another building, it goes outside but... the wall are a bit... too high..." Jessie said

"its outside!?" Seto said happily Morgan nodded "yep" she said

"well we're heading there" I said making Seto smile

"h-hey maybe we could stay as a group" Morgan asked I looked at Seto and then back at Jess they both nodded "sure" I said giving them a smile.

We all walked down the hall I felt like we were being watched...

I turned my back to see nothing "what's wrong?" Seto whispered to me I didn't want to worry him

"it's nothing" I said "it's here" Jessie said she ran ahead getting the door for us

"some people say if you stay in the building you'll end up insane" Morgan said

"but we been in there for a bit and look at us" Jessie said crossing her arms and posing like a hero Morgan laughed at her

"come on then" Jess said she was laughing maybe she felt better with other girls around instead of just boys?

"I'll take them inside you can do what you need, we'll be in the building waiting for you" I said giving Seto a small smile he nodded and gave me a nervous smile

"come on girls" I said watching them run outside "this feels so much better" Jess said taking breaths in of the cold air.

I looked around outside with Seto seems like people died on the other side of the wall...

"If something is wrong just yell I'll come right out" I whispered to Seto I walked to the other side where all the girls were

"come on" I said opening the door they all walked in I winked at Seto and then followed after Morgan.

(Seto Pov)

I looked down just go and then go in, it's going to be fine... I heard a little girl giggle

I turned my head to the left seeing a little girl in the red dress. "y-you" I said shock she was giggling

did she think I was funny or something? "Where did you go?" I asked looking at her she looked up her black hair moving from her eyes

I gasped and backed away her eyes were wide open soulless she gave me a big scary grin blood running down her mouth

"BRUCE!" I screamed I rushed back on my feet and ran to the door it was locked!

I pounded harder on it "Bruce open the god dam door!" I pleaded she was walking nearer to me

I could hear the sound of scissors closing and opening I banged on the wooden door more "Bruce anyone!" I shouted I felt myself holding back tears

I kept banging on the door why was Bruce not letting me in! "Come play with us" she giggled out. I ran into the door braking it open

I turned my head to the door way as she faded away giggling...

I got up from where I was "B-Bruce?" I asked scared...

Small shoes were on the ground I looked at the wall that had a piece of paper

*don't stay in this building for long...* I trembled I looked at the left it was blocked by a wooden table...

I guess they must of went right... did Bruce lied to me...did he leave me?

I opened the big wooden door hearing a squeaking sound why did I have to be left alone...

I looked up seeing a long staircase going up and down...

"Bruce? Anyone?" I asked loud, I looked down the stairs seeing a dead corpse it seemed fresh...

I walked closer down the stairs I better take a picture of some... or no one will believe us...

I took a picture of the girl...

Season 1 Corpse party (skylox Merome setosolace) (Finished)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum