Valentines Day Speical!

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*Travis' POV*

It's our first Valentines Day together and I'm going to make this day special!

I sneak downstairs and start to make breakfast. I make, pancakes and bacon. I pour some milk in a cup and put it all on a tray.

I sneak back upstairs with the tray in hand. I knock on Zane's door and open it to see a sleeping angel, with his adorable messy hair.

I can hear a moan as I walk closer to him. Must just be getting up.

"Morning Angel," I say "I made you breakfast."

He turns to face me and I made him sit up in his bad. I put the tray down on his lap and kissed his cheek.

"You didn't have to Teddy Bear." He says digging in.

"Yes I did! I need to make the most romantic day of the year special for you!" I say over exaggerating.

"If you're making today special for me, then who going to make it special for you?~" Zane asks, pulling me down into a kiss.

We pull back, and I say "I guess you have a point but still, I'm going to make it special for you~"

"Fine" Zane says giving in.

"Ok now eat up! We're going out!" I say excitedly. I run out the door and go to my room and get ready.

*Zane's POV*

I wonder where he's taking me. I finish up breakfast and go get change. I grab a little wrapped box off my desk and ran downstairs.

I saw Travis with a warped box. He tries to pass it to me but I make him take the small box.

"Open it!" I tell him. I'm so excited! He unwraps the box and opens it to find a black half of a heart necklace.

I hold up my white half. "Now we have matching necklaces!" I say excitedly.

"I love it Cupcake! Now open mine!" He says just as excited as I am.

I unwrap it and opened the box. It was a big pinkie cake plushie. I dropped the box and squeeze the plush.

"Teddy Bear, I Love It!! Thank you." I say excitedly! I go over and kiss him.

I pull back and ask him "So where are we going?"

I smirk grew on his face, "You'll find out~" he sang. I rolled my eyes and put Pinkie Cakes for and we headed out the door.

After a long ride we finally get to the place. I look up to see it was a Roller Skating Rank.

"So what do you think?" He ask me as we park.

"Looks fun, I've never roller skates before." I say.

"Oh your in for a treat then!" I says he has the cutest smile on his face.

We go inside and get our skates. I put them on and stand up. I start rolling. "Travis! What do I do?!" I say panicked.

"Calm down. Just let me guide you." He says grabbing my hips. He guides us over to the rank and I grab the bars and he lets go.

"Ok now to skate just try to push off with your feet and then just roll and then push off again." Travis explains.

I try it and I fall on my butt. "Ow!" I say

Travis laughs a bit, "Happens to everyone!" He says, he helps me up and takes hold of my hand and guide me around the rank.

"I DID IT! I went around!" I yell with a big smile on my face.

"Yeah you did!" Travis says.

We skated around the rank all day and I didn't fall once, but The All Master Of Roller Skating fell twice!

After we went out to eat at this lovely restaurant. It was so nice! When we finished eating we went home.

I was so tired I went to my bed. Travis followed to tuck me into bed.

He kissed me on the forehead and started to walk away. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into bed with me. I wrapped his arms around him and layer my head on his chest.

He wrapped his arms around me too and put this forehead on mines.

"I love you, Teddy Bear." I say sleepily.

"I love you too, Cupcake." Travis says.

I close my eyes today was the best day ever. But right now, cuddling with Travis is the best moment of today.

That was the Valentines Day Special! Hope you enjoy! There will be another update next week between Saturday-Monday! Have a great Valentines Day! Even if you have no one, like me!

Know I love you all!! <3 I GIVE LOVE TO ALL OF YOU!! ^.^

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