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My alarm ringing in my ear I groan. Knowing I have to get up and start my day but it doesn't make it any easier. Ruffling my messy hair I climb out of my bed. It's a spring day. I smile pulling on my hoodie and ripped jeans.

Walking into the familiar cafe, I see the two boys I always see when I enter the cafe. In the back corner sits the red head boy and the sliver hair boy. From what you've listened into from the many days you've sat behind them the short one with sliver hair is the eldest and is often mentioned as motionless min, while the redhead is super hyper active and happy. Grabbing my normal coffee I walk towards the table behind them. My eyes meeting with the red head for a split second. A smile already forming on my face.

The elder of the two already mad with the redhead "can't you shut up for a split second? What if some knows us. They will surely come over." His voice groggy as he speaks effortlessly in Korean. Only getting a sigh in reply from the redhead. Resting my head on my hand I start to text my best friend out of boredom. The two boys chatting away about how boring work was that day. The red head stood up "I'll go get us a new coffee." I watch him walk past me and to the bench, he almost seems too happy to be getting coffees. He orders in some broken English and I laugh lightly. Drawing his attention towards me. Making eye contact for a second before I look down at my phone. My face turning red slightly. He seems to stare for a little longer, before his coffees were done. I sigh slightly as he walks past to his seat.

I listen in closely as the two boys talk. The two of them chatting away about everything from new songs to how their friend Namjoon broke a plate. When the red head suddenly starts to change the subject.
"So you know the girl behind us? Ahhh no don't stand up"
"Well what about her?"
"She's really hot... like super attractive..."
suddenly one of them snorts "hobi got a crush!?"
"Aishhh shut up what if she heard you, shhhh it's embarrassing..."
"Hobi I highly doubt she can talk Korean.

I take a deep breath and stand up and walk in front of their booth "thank you for your kind words, but motionless min I can talk Korean" The silver one snorts as the red head stares at me.

"so would you like to go on a date or not Hobi?"

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