You Totally Like Him!

Start from the beginning

"So, Percy told you huh."

"Uh yeah he did. I kinda feel bad for asking now."

"I know how that feels."

"So, um I noticed Percy's still skipping."

"Uncle P put him on house arrest actually. At least for a while until he thinks safe enough to send him to school again. Not that he minds really. He has been holed up in his room ever know."

"Yeah" I said knowing she was referring to Bianca's death.

"He won't come out or let us in. He's taken it really hard especially since it's the third time it's happened. I can't even imagine how he must be feeling right now. He won't let any of us help him either." She took a deep breath. "Well don't let me keep you. I should go anyway." with that she was gone.

"What was all that about?" I asked out loud to myself.

"Hey Annabeth, you look like crap."

"Thanks Juniper. I feel like crap." I said as I slid into the empty seat next to Juniper on the lunch table and put my head down on the table. Oh what I would give to be sleeping in my bed right now.

"Long night?" She asked.

"I got about an hour of sleep last night." I said not looking up.

"Oh. Boy trouble?" She asked with a teasing tone.

"What makes you think so?"

"You went to see Percy Jackson yesterday and now you are having trouble sleeping. Not that hard to guess."

"Ugh It's not like that."

"Then what's it like?" Said Silena joining our conversation. "I mean there is obviously something going on between you two. That much is evident from the fight you guys had in the hallways your first day here."

"We just used to be friends a couple years back before he moved here and we sort of lost touch. That day we just started arguing about a little issue that had been left unresolved because of his move. I went to see him because I wanted to clear the air between us. That's it."

"Uh huh sure whatever you say." Said Silena. By the look on her face I could tell she was gonna lecture me about how I had to realize my feelings and all that stuff. I knew because Clarrise and Juniper had warned me that she tends to do that. Luckily for me Juniper spoke up then.

"Where is Percy anyway? I mean his cousins are back at school why isn't he?"

"He was in shock after what happened so his dad decided he should take a little vacation." I said quickly. "After all it was harder for him since he'd been standing right there when it happened."

"Yeah I guess that must have been terrible."

"So anyway Annie-" I gave Clarrise who had finally joined our conversation a glare"-tell us a little about your boyfriend-" another glare "-he is a complete mystery no one really knows anything about him." Silena and Juniper looked at me expectantly, I sighed.

"First of all, he is not my boyfriend we used to be friends when we were kids that's it. What do you wanna know about him?"

"Well why is he so distant and introverted?" Asked Clarrise.

"Well, his mom and step-dad died in a car crash," I said carefully. "that was why he moved in with his dad here in New York. Their deaths must have hit him hard, he was really close to them both. But he wasn't like this before that he was quite the opposite actually. He was really scrawny and short and goofy. He was always cracking jokes and playing pranks and just enjoying every minute of his life. He was the kind of guy that could lighten the tension in a room just by walking in. He was a total Seaweed Brain."

"Seaweed Brain?" The three girls asked in perfect sync which kinda creeped me out a bit.

"Yeah that was my nickname for him."

"What did he call you?" asked Silena.

"Wise Girl."

"Hmm weird nick names. Why those?" asked Juniper.

"Well back in second grade, I was helping him with his math homework but he just couldn't understand the concept and he kept asking me stupid questions. Which annoyed me and I got angry and the we started fighting. I said his brain was so full seaweed that he couldn't fill any knowledge into it and said he was the worlds biggest Seaweed Brain. and he said 'and you are such a wise little girl.' and I said 'that's not an insult' and he said 'that's why you're Wise Girl' and I guess they just stuck."

"Wow the old Percy seems like a funny guy." commented Juniper.

"He was." I said slightly dreamily. Biggest mistake of my life.

Silena got this weird glint in her eyes, she looked at Juniper and then they both looked at me and said together "You Like Him!" while Clarrise threw her head back and started laughing really hard.

Uh oh. What had I just gotten myself into?

I have finally started to spark up some romantic feelings towards a certain boy with sea-green eyes into the heart of a certain Wise Girl with grey eyes.

What do you think. Good? Bad? Rotten? Let me know in the comments. 


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