°Chapter 2°

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Another boring day for Sehun.He noticed that Jongin didn't come to school today.It made him slightly worried.That kid always came to school no matter what situation he was in.Sehun shook the thoughts about his friend away and focused on the scenery outside.The wind blew furiously.The sky was dark.Inside was quiet.He liked to come to school early.He enjoyed the silence and looking outside the window.He liked to observe things.Many people thought that he is a creep..Sehun could agree to that.It was true after all.He wasn't normal anyway

A strange squeaky sound interrupted the taller's thoughts.He slowly tilted his head and with quiet steps he walked towards the source.

Arriving in the school's dark corridor,he saw a small figure.He walked,almost no sound coming from him.A strong smell of blood made the taller quicken his pace.His eyes flickering..

A pained whimper could be heard.Sehun recognized it.It was him.

He scowled at the smaller.The vampire slowly looked up meeting the taller's cold gaze.Looking in his eyes,a sense of dread surrounded him..it was..familiar

He could feel himself trembling,but his big pride decided to ignore it..

,,Oh,it's the creep..what are you doing here?'' he asked the taller,letting out a sarcastic laugh despite him being slightly scared of the other's piercing glare

Silence was all he could make of..Sehun hasn't answered..He was too busy glaring at the smaller's hurt figure..he could still smell the blood.It was still fresh.

,,Not gonna answer huh?'' Baekhyun said cockily attempting to leave

As he took the first step,a strong grip made him freeze in his tracks.The hold on him too familiar.He gasped,feeling a sharp pain envelop his whole body.

A wave of dizziness took over him making the vampire sway..his vission getting more and more blurry

A deep chuckle was all he heard,before he was greeted by darkness

His fragile body made contact with the cold tiled floor

The taller's figure disappearing slowly

,,Next time,don't get too full of yourself'' he said before vanishing leaving the vampire behind


Jongin's mind was full of worried thoughts.He knew that Sehun is a very agressive type of guy..When he wasn't around,Sehun would always do something reckless

Due to his mother being sick,he couldn't go to school and control his bestfriend..He hoped that Sehun didn't do something bad..He was mature enough,but his instincts always took over him somehow.His power was no joke.Jongin knew that.Yet he hoped that Sehun could control himself better


All Baekhyun felt was pain..he wanted it to end..his mind was hazy,his body on fire,his heart beating crazily

He finally was able to wake up..he slowly opened his tired eyes and carefully stood up..his wounds should have healed by now..but they are still in the same state..he cursed that stupid wolf..

,,F-fuckin' alpha..I s-swear I'll kill you if I find out who y-you are'' he coughed stumbling

Sehun was feeling overjoyed.He could finally teach that bastard a lesson.Gazing at the scenery outside,he felt a sudden presence beside him..Heavy breathing and grunts could be heard..Sehun sighed heavily

'Maybe next time I should just snap your neck'' he thought

He looked at his right and found the smaller staring at him with no emotion..just standing there motionless

His penetrating gaze made the taller realize something.The smaller was quite the looker for a stupid vampire.He mentally slapped himself for thinking about him in such way

,,What?'' he asked Baekhyun

Baekhyun's eyes became huge..it was the first time he heard the taller's voice..His voice sent vibrations through Baekhyun's body.He had a deep yet melodious voice

Sehun rolled his eyes.

,,Not gonna answer,huh?'' the taller said cockily,just like Baekhyun did a few moments ago

Being ripped out of his thoughts,Baekhyun scoffed at the male turning his head in the opposite direction

,,Class is about to start,this is my seat..it's pretty obvious'' Baekhyun huffed crossing his arms over his chest but due to the pain he felt by doing so,he quickly rested his arms on his table

Sehun furrowed his brows at the stupid male..he wanted to know the reason of him staring that way not why was he in the classroom..either he was just stupid,either he wanted to avoid the subject..Either way,Sehun decided to leave it at that and ignore the smaller

During class,Baekhyun kept fidgeting in his seat..He hasn't checked the taller's wrist yet..he wanted to,but he was too scared of getting beaten..He needed to plan a strategy but knowing himself,he decided to just ask him directly

,,Uhm..could you show me your wrist?'' he asked feeling uneasy..

Sehun tilted his head slowly..his eyes pierced the smaller..reading Baekhyun's thoughts he chuckled

'Ah..poor boy..he's so stupid' Sehun thought

The taller closed his eyes,calming himself down..making his mark disappear

,,Sure'' he said emotionless

Baekhyun quickly pulled Sehun's wrist,examining it carefully..but he didn't see anything

'But how? If he's not the wolf...then who the hell is? Also..I saw the wolf in the nearby forest..It must be a student..It has to'' Baekhyun thought slowly releasing Sehun's wrist

'I know about your plans,vampire..I won't let you get away with it..I'm gonna mess you up' Sehun smirked focusing his eyes on the scenery displayed outside

A/N Hello bitcheeees! (Lmao..too hyped) I hope you liked this chapter,thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment! Oh! And if you see mistakes,don't be afraid to point it out..Love you all 😊🙏

-Ale 🔥

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